The Rules of Entrepreneurship is your guide for getting it right as an entrepreneur or striking out a new direction  and making your first million.
This book looks at moving outside of the corporate hierarchy and doing your own thing. From the foreword it is clear that all of what we are going to be reading is most of what the author has experienced. This book is all about the spirit of entrepreneurship.
The introduction gives us a picture of reasons and situations that turns people into becoming entrepreneurs. It also gives us a reason to want to continue reading as the author succinctly puts it that anyone can become a successful entrepreneur. That becoming your own boss has nothing to do with how fat your account is. According to the author ,what makes a business succeed are passion and determination , relationship building skills and hard work.
In concluding the introductory part of the book, the author listed out what should be disregarded or done before fully stepping in as an entrepreneur like –Disregard the hype about entrepreneurs as you don’t  need to be certain type of person. You don’t need to have had an extra ordinary upbringing . As  long as you can come up with a good idea that you can get passionate about and are prepared to commit  totally to turning into a commercial enterprise. The author also urged that entrepreneurs should invest in perspiration  not education.  And also, to do something new and tackle something old.


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