This book is an awesome piece. Reading this book will help you to align your thinking with what you voice out. For us to see actual result or an actual turn around in our lives we must believe right and also speak right.

The writer referred to the book of Romans 10: 8-10, what we believe is a result of our thinking. If we think wrong, we will believe wrong. If our believing is wrong, our confession will be wrong. In other words what we say will be wrong. It all hinges on our thinking. Also see Mark 11:23

Our thinking must be in line with the word of God, because we cannot believe beyond the actual knowledge we have of the word of God. See proverb 3:5, 2nd Corinthians 10;5, Romans 12:2

According to the writer we renew our mind by studying the word of God. The Bible teaches us to have “the mind of Christ” (1st Corinthians 2:16). The only way we can have the mind of Christ is to study His word, believe it in your heart and act upon it. See Philippians 4:8.

Thoughts can come into our minds from 2 different sources. The devil puts many thoughts in our minds from outside ourselves. That’s one source. Then, of course, thoughts from God come from within us. They come through our spirits into our minds.

According to the writer confession means:
-it is affirming something we believe
-it is testifying to something we know
-it is witnessing to a truth that we have embraced.
Our confession will either imprison us or set us free.

First it is necessary for us to know what God has wrought for us in Christ, and that we believe it and confess it.

Second, it is necessary for us to know what God through the word and through the Holy Spirit has wrought in us.

Third, it is necessary for us to know what the Lord Jesus Christ is doing for us now in His present day ministry at the right hand of God the Father in heaven.

Fourth, it is necessary for us to know what the word of God will do for us through our lips, or what God can do through us.

When you confess what you are in Christ, claim it and walk in it, you are appropriating what is legally yours. See Romans 6:14, Revelation 12:11, 1saiah 41:10. Your faith grows with your confession, Romans 8:37, Isaiah 26:3, Philippians 2:5, Philippians 4:8

Finally the writer enjoins us to get soaked with the Word of God until you are so word conscious that you think about the word continually. See Matthew 21:22. Confessional doubts and fears, denies the grace and the ability of  God, James 4:7

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