This book is awesome. This book helps us to see Jesus for who He is and what we mean to Him. Grace revolution is a revolution that is tearing down the wall of legalistic Christian religion and bringing a brand new generation of believers into a deep and intimate relationship with the person of Jesus. As a result precious lives are being transformed, marriages are being restored, the sick are being healed, and many are being freed from the bondage of legalism. This liberty has in turn given the strength and power to rise above their challenges.

Grace revolution is all about bringing Jesus back to the forefront. According to the writer, for too long the Christian faith has being reduced to a list of dos and don’t. that’s not why Jesus came. That’s not what Christianity is all about. Jesus did not come to point out our fault. Jesus came that we might have life and have it more abundantly. He came to save us to reconcile us to the Father.

Grace is not a subject and the Grace revolution is not a movement. Grace is a person and His Jesus. Even when you fail you are failing forward. And when you fall, you don’t crash out. Grace imparts hope to those who are hopeless and help to those who are helpless.

To help you in this journey the writer has identify five practical powerful lessons:
-Grow in boldness and confidence
-Build a foundation for lasting breakthroughs
-Value the person of Jesus
-Speak the language of faith
-Receive His abundant restoration.

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