9781576752357: Goals!: How to Get Everything You Want Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible

This book is about setting goals and ensuring you follow through until you succeed.

The writer gave a brief history of how he started his life, it was a beat rough though, but he made up his mind to plan. According to the writer, any plan is better than no plan at all.

In this book, you will learn twenty-one of the most important ideas and strategies ever discovered for achieving everything that you could ever want in life. You will find that there are no limits to what you can accomplish except for the limits you place on your own imagination. And since there are no limits to what you can imagine, there are no limits to what you can achieve.

According to the writer, all successful people are intensely goal oriented. They know what they want and they are focused single mindedly on achieving it every single day. Your ability to set goals is the master skill of success. Goals unlock your positive mind, releases ideals and energy for goal attainment.

You become what you think about most of the time. Unsuccessful, unhappy people think and talk about what they don’t want most of the time. They talk about their worries, problems and who is to blame, most of the time. But successful people keep their thoughts and conversation on the topics of their most intensely desired goals. They think and talk about what they want most of the time.

Setting goals, working toward them day-by-day, and ultimately achieving them is the key to happiness in life. Goal setting is very powerful that the very act of thinking about your goals even before you have taken the first step toward achieving them.

Get a hold of this  book and turn your life around.                                         

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