This book is divided into 8 sections. This book is poised to reposition and make you stand stoically because you have  a life  without limits.

Section 1- Get a reading of your realities
In this section the writer helps us to know who we are and accept us for who we are. According to the writer, you are you wherever you are, wherever you go, you take you with you. More often than not, our personalities are consistent across most of the areas of our lives. So often, we live lives based on what those around us think we should be or do. We follow the path we’ve seen our friends, business associates, parents, or other family members take. By taking time to figure out your personal brand, you make sure you are on the right path for you. One of the traits of successful joyful living is understand what you do well and knowing those areas where you may need assistance or support. Our strength and weaknesses don’t make us wrong or right, they make us who we are.

Section 2- Recalibrate your life.
Incorporate your family and loved ones into each and every stage of your life, whether it’s ascending, leveling off, or descending. Stop seeing yourself as you or others see you, and see yourself as God does. Step outside yourself and focus on your gifts as the creator sees them.

Section 3- Resurrect your vision
Get back in touch with your life’s purpose and those activities that once brought you great joy and satisfaction. You and only you are responsible for living the life you envision for yourself. Being thankful is one of the best ways to be successful in life

Section 4- people possibilities
Companionship is among our basic human needs. Most of us would find life sad and lonely without that all important interaction with other people. Striving to better ourselves is a good thing, but it doesn’t have to be at the expense of those who love us.

Section 5- Money Money Money
Learning how to be satisfied and content with what you own and to feel grateful for it starts with understanding what money can do and cannot do.

Section 6-Mindfully relate and mate.
Don’t turn your heart to someone before you determine who they are, what they want, what they stand for, and what they believe in.

Section 7- Get back up again
Successful people pay attention to their failures and learn from them. Life sometimes doesn’t  respond to our question, or to our desire for ease, and it rarely turns out as we would like, but just can’t throw in towel. We must call upon our strength to focus on these choices we can effect. We must make our lives worth living.

Section 8-Live your dream
Leaders draw attention to themselves in the things they say and do because they tend to think and act differently from most people. Their decision tends to create conflict. But they know that to be decisive often means not winning a popularity contest.
This book is so refreshing.

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