In this book the writer talked about 40 secrets on spiritual success strategies for financial abundance. But new shall only look at 10 secrets.

Secret 1: God wants each of us to be obsessively occupied with the needs and desires of his other children. According to the writer a business is any person or group of people who have customers. If you have someone who is willing to pay you voluntarily for the  work you do, products your produce, or service you provide, then you are in business.

Secret 2: An infinite God created us in His image with infinite imagination, potentials, creative power and desires. Though God placed Adam in the garden of Eden in which all was provided, He nonetheless insisted that Adam was to work (Genesis 2:15)

Secret 3: Humans alone possess the ability to transform themselves. There is no shame attached to starting out poor, but remaining that way is a different story.

Secret 4: The universe was created for connection. We must strive to associate with one another.

Secret 5: Making money is a spiritual activity. All humans activities can be located somewhere along a spectrum that is anchored on one end by spirituality and on the other by physicality.

Section 6: Everything important and joyful you have delivered  has been in partnership with at least with one other person.

Section 7: Focus on other people’s needs and desires, and you will never ever be short of what you  yourself desire and need. By loving and serving others you are turning the key to unlock wealth and happiness.

Secret 8: Become a people person, treat people like the way you want to be treated. When you treat people right you are promoting yourself.

Secret 9: We love the people whom  we help more  than we love those who help us. Doing a favor for somebody else cause you to love him or her more.

Section 10: Life isn’t about what you know. It’s about who you are.
Now if you loved this few secrets grab this  book now!

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