100% Life Improvement: Vol.1

This is one book that you must read.

According to the writer, the story of Daniel and his three friends has been the subject of inspiration for many saints of God. They came through the black waters of Babylon and rose to be the regional governors. The quality of their decisions reflects the fact that greatness is prepared for, it is not jumped into or stumbled upon. Every destiny is loaded, but requires a discovery of the appropriate steps to enter into it. We do not stand by and watch it manifest, we work it out.

According to the writer, purpose is the intent for the creation of a thing or as in the case of a human being, God’s  original intention for creating him. Purpose is the engine room of life. It is what must fill and fuel the whole of man’s existence.

The writer also gave reasons why you must pursue purpose. One of the reason why we need to pursue purpose is that it will make you know that there is a destiny you were packaged to fulfill. Interestingly enough, no one else can fulfill their purpose, unless you fulfill yours. Purpose protects you from self destruction.

The writer also talked of the pursuit of vision. Vision is a divine deposit deep inside which distinguishes you and makes you unique. It is the innate eye of your heart awaiting your discovery, embracing and exploration. Vision gives you the access  to fulfillment and joy. It is that which opens the door to the maximization of life. It changes your life from struggle to success. According to the writer the only way to make a vision work is to first write it down.

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