I have all that money can buy
In all the banks of the world
I have fat and overflowing accounts
In all street lies my mark of investments
I have got houses in every state of the world
Yet I do not know which to live in or not
Still cannot tell which is the finest of them all
I have got mouths to help me spend my money
But just cannot spend it all
I have children to call my own
Who will reap where they had not labored
But I can sense this emptiness down somewhere
Around my beating heart
It is so painful and sad to know
That there are some things that money cannot buy
But these are things so freely given
Money cannot buy divine health
Money cannot buy peace of mind
Money cannot buy wise and respectful children
Money cannot buy salvation for my soul
Money cannot buy perfect love that cast out all fears
As the list goes on
So it is that my wealth becomes to me something of insignificance
People around me envy me
They wish to get a little bite of me
But they know nothing of my sleepless nights
All the time I had to cry myself to sleep
Wishing in my heart I had a little of what they have
Like they have and they can eat
They are clueless of what it feels like
 To have various kinds of delicacies and still can’t eat
What about having everything and yet your heart is sickly
Oh! Who can help me?
For I am but a wretched man yet rich.

BY  Bezalel  Oluwafemi  


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