Sharru Nada had to educate and reorientate the thinking and mindset of Hadan Gula  who  is the grandson of his business partner, Arad Gula.
This chapter teaches on a core value of the society, which is hardwork and how it made a success out of Arad Gula and Sharru Nada when they applied it in their endeavours.
Sharru Nada was only a youth when he was sold into slavery. He met a friend and a fellow slave named Meggido who was the first to sow the importance of hard work. He said ‘Some men hate it. They make it their enemy. Better to treat it like a friend, make thyself like it. Don’t mind because it is hard… If thou get a master, work for him as hard as thou canst. If he does not appreciate all thou do, never mind. Remember, work, well done, does good to the man who does it. It makes him a better man’.
These words of encouragement from Meggido saw Sharru Nada through out his life as a slave and latter as a freeman. He applied this principle of hard work and he prospered.
He met Arad Gula later on. He also communicated this principle to him. Arad Gula applied it and he too was greatly encouraged that he came back looking for Sharru Nada, made him a freeman and then a business partner.
When Hadan Gula heard the story he realized that the principle behind the huge success of his grandfather was hard work, his perspective towards work changed. Prior before he was told the story, he had always thought that work was meant only for slaves.
But after listening to Sharru Nada,  he had this to say, ‘I have always hoped to be like a man like my grandfather, never before did I realize just what kind of man he was. This thou hast shown me. I do admire him all the more and feel more determined to be like him. I fear I can never repay thee for giving me the true key to his success. From this day forth I shall use this key.’
Hard work doesn’t kill, it does no harm but only brings success, promotion and riches upon those that make her their friend.


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