This is one book that will cause you to have a rethink and pause to take a total perusal of your  Christian race. Are you a Christian because you go to church every Sunday? Or you go to church because you are a true disciple of Jesus? And if you are a true disciple of Jesus Christ, do you first consider what would Jesus do in every situation you find yourself? Or what does it really mean to be true disciples of Jesus Christ? Or it just going to church or living our lives in such a way that the world would see Jesus in our eyes and in the way we live our lives. The sole purpose of this book is to show us how powerful our actions really are. And how a church could influence a community and a country at large.

It is a fiction though, but the story is apt. the pastor of the first church of Raymond, Henry Maxwell wanted to teach his congregation on how to walk in the footstep of Jesus. But he couldn’t deliver the message better not until the death of a tramp-like stranger. And his eyes were opened to the reality that every Christian could go about their daily businesses by first considering what would Jesus do? Is only then that Christians can Christians truly influence their environment.

Henry Maxwell was left with no choice but to reach out to his congregation for those that would pledge to live their lives as Jesus would in every situation they find themselves. After considering what would Jesus do only then can they make a righteous decision that is pleasing before God. No doubt he had some strong earnest men and woman in the First Church of Raymond: Edward Norman, editor of the Raymond Daily News. According to the writer, no man was more honored  in the community than Edward Norman. There was also in his Church Alexander Powers, Superintendent of the great railroad shops. Donald Marsh, President of Lincoln College, there was also Milton Wright, one the great merchants of Raymond, having in his employ at least one hundred men in various shops. There was Dr. West who, although still comparatively young, was quoted as authority in special surgical cases. There was Young Jasper Chase the author, who had written one successful book and was said to be at work on a new novel. There was Miss. Virginia Page the heiress, who through the recent death of her Father had inherited a million at least, and was gifted with unusual attractions of person and intellect. And not least of all, Rachel Winslow, from her seat in the choir, glowed with her peculiar beauty of light.

When Henry Maxwell made the call for men and women that would live their lives for Jesus. These notable personalities were among the people that came out as those that want to take the pledge to leave their lives for Jesus and do in every situation what Jesus would do in every situations even when it has to do with their finances and worldly possessions. Pastor Henry Maxwell was startled when he saw the caliber of people that came to make the pledge to live for Jesus, to enter into such a literal testing of their Christian discipleship.

When all the  men and women of influence  who made the pledge went about their daily routines in their various world, as they kept the pledge they were able to cause a notable change in Raymond. It is note worthy that it was only after the people decided to live their lives by doing what Jesus would do in every situation not considering the consequences that they were able to be men and women of influence.

This is very enlightening and also very instructive, that no matter our wealth and position in the society or church as the case may be; we cannot influence much and use what we have for the glory of God until the day we decide to be true disciples of Jesus by doing what He would do in every given situation. For instance what would Jesus do with a million dollar? Would He keep it all to himself or share it with the needy or do something with it that would change the lives of many. This was what Miss Virginia and her brother Rollin Page had to decide with the inheritance they both got after the death of their father. They were able to use their money for the glory of God and not for themselves alone.

When Rev. Calvin Bruce of the Nazareth Church from Chicago came visiting his friend , Henry Maxwell at Raymond. He was amazed at her the church members were influencing the whole town. He did not hesitate to carryout same thing in his church. Rev. Calvin Bruce and Bishop of the Nazareth Avenue Church resigned and gave up their luxury lifestyle and went to reside among the low lives in the slum of the state. But soon the slum became a place of succor.

The summary of ‘In His Steps’ is this: if you are a Lawyer what cases do you think Jesus would handle and in what matter would He go about it?.  If you are a doctor do you think Jesus would carry out an abortion etc…, if you have  a wonderful voice what would Jesus do? Would He sing only songs that glorifies His Father or songs that pleases the people of the world, for money and for fame. If you are a writer, what books would Jesus write? Would it be stories that leads people to His Father or stories that pleases the world for fame and for money. If you occupy a political position, what would Jesus do with such and office? Is it to steal funds meant for the people or to execute projects for the good of all?

This book is very instructive. Christians can only influence their worlds if only we live our lives as Jesus disciples by doing exactly what Jesus would do in every given situation despite the consequences.

This is one Novel that every Christian must and should read. I love this book. What say you of this book? 


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