This a very wonderful inspirational book is a compilation of lessons from twenty of the greatest women ever. 

 1.How to be like Eleanor Roosevelt (l884-l962): Compasion
I was not a gifted person but I was always deeply interested in manifestation of life, good or bad. I never let slip an opportunity to increase my knowledge of people and conditions-Eleanor Roosevelt
Eleanor Roosevelt changed the traditional role of First Lady. Rather than limiting herself to strictly ceremonial duties, she immersed herself in the great issues of the day.
-Strive to keep your social conscience awake vibrant at all times.
-Blaze new paths and don’t allow yourself to be restricted by outdated traditions.
-See things for yourself, wherever you have to go and do so.
-Don’t shy away from making your opinions known.
-Pay attention to the details.
-Communicate with everyone you need to.
-When you feel something is wrong, take a stand.
-Stay mentally strong.
-Realize you are never too old to contribute to society.
-Make use of all the hours in the day.
-Live your life with passion and boldness.
-Do what your heart tells you and don’t ever worry about what the critics say.
-Make the most of everyday of your life.
-Know your strengths

2.How to be like Mother Theresa(l9l0-l997):Love
Life is not worth living unless it is lived for others –Mother Theresa.
Mother Theresa was the embodiment of compassion and love. She recognized no limitations-not even church policy-in her devotion to the world’s poor and her desire to serve them.
-Do what you love.
-Read constantly.
-Accept no limitations for your life.
-Don’t be afraid to ask for what you need.
-Clearly define what you want to accomplish.
-Set an example.
-Be cheerful even if you don’t feel like it.
-Care about those in need.
-Learn by experience.
-Write letters especially thank you notes.
-Don’t let age slow you down.
-Speak from your heart.
-Stay humble.

3.How to be like Anne Frank(l929-l945):Courage
We must be brave and strong, bear discomfort without complaint, do whatever is in our power and trust in God.One day this terrible war will be over-Anne Frank.
Anne Frank wrote ‘The Diary of Anne Frank’. She died in a Nazi concentration camp just a few weeks before its liberation by Allied forces.
-Follow your heart.
-Develop your social conscientiousness to its fullest.
-Don’t let fear paralyze you into inaction
-Don’t be fooled by the easy way out.
-Know what you want from life
-Be serious about what is important to you.
-Never lose your faith.
-Be Honest with yourself.
-Be brave and courageous

4.How to be like Margaret Thatcher(l926-2013):Resolve
Every leader has to have a certain amount of stel in them, so iam not that put out about being called the Iron Lady-Margaret Thatcher
Margraret Thatcher was England’s first female prime minister and served the second longest tenure in England’s history.
-Know yourself and decide what you stand for
-Learn from the past
- Follow your heart
-Combine your career and family life.
-Be responsible
-Be patient

5.How to be like Sandra Day O’ Connor :Values
Each one of us will be a leader at some time in our lives. Whether we lead a family, a group of friends, a larger group, or a major segment of society, each of us will act in ways to influence others-Sandra Day O’Connor.
Sandra Day O’ Connor is the first woman Supreme Court Justice of the United States, and one of the most influential Justices in history.
-Never take no for an answer
-Keep working to improve yourself
-Look for ways to contribute to society
-Always be prepared
-Be a role model

6.How to be like Oprah Winfrey: Sincerity
Don’t complain about what you don’t have. Use what you’ve got . To do less than your best is a sin-Oprah Winfrey
Oprah Winfrey has distinguished herself as the host of ‘oprah Winfrey Show’ and as a prominent business woman and philanthropist . She has also been a strong voice for the rights and protection of children.
-Don’t let others define you or tell you what you can’t do.
-Take responsibility for your life.
-Embrace God
-Have compassion for others.
-Just be yourself
-pursue quality in your work first-money will follow.
-Strive to be the best at what you do.

7.How to be like Golda Meir l898-l978:Wisdom  
Anybody who believes in something without reservation , believes that this thing is right and should be, has the stamina to meet obstacles and overcome them-Golda Meir
Golda Meir  helped found the state of Israel
-Determine exactly what you want out of life.
-Take action.
-Get involved
-Don’t expect others to do what you won’t.
-Be aware and be willing to learn.
-Talk to anyone-anywhere-who can help your cause.
-Live your life with character and decency

8. How to be like Rosa Parks: Strength
I would like to be known as a person who is concerned about freedom and equality and justice and prosperity for all people.-Rosa Parks
Rosa Parks helped ignite the civil rights movement and change the United States when she refused to give up her seat on a segregated bus in Montgomery, Alabama, in l955.
-Stand up for what you believe in.
-Surround yourself with people who bring out your best.
-Be part of the solution
-Have faith in God.

9.How to be like Helen Keller(l880-l968): Vision
Self-pity is our worst enemy and if we yield to it, we can never do anything wise in the world.-Helen Keller.
Helen Keller became the most famous disabled person of her time-and in history. Her life serves as an inspiration, and the wisdom she left behind remains a treasure to all people
-Sets goals
-Don’t let obstacles stop you
-pursue an education
-Make your own decisions
- Dare to do the impossible

10.How to be like Marie Curie(l867-l934);Persistence
Marie Curie was the first prominent female scientist, and the only woman to win two Nobel Prizes.
-Decide what you want from life
-Devise a plan to make your dreams happen
-Mentally prepare yourself for obstacles
-Stay humble –regardless of your accomplishment
-Consider the public good before thinking of yourself

11.How to be like Babe Didrikson Zaharias(l911-l956):Competitiveness
Babe Didrikson Zaharias is considered the greatest female athlete in history. Her achievements helped open the door and create more opportunities for women athletes.
-Develop clear goals
-Be willing to pay the price to improve
-Guard against bitterness
-Stay mentally tough
-Seek out experts and learn from them
-Keep doing what you love

12. How to be like Amelia Earhart(l897-l97): Daring
The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. The fears are paper tigers. You can do anything you decide to do.-Amelia Earhart
Amelia Earhart was the most famous woman aviator of the l920s and l9B0s
-Do what you love.
-Don’t take things for granted
-prepare for worst case scenario
-Keep challenging yourself
-Accept responsibility for your decisions and actions
-Don’t worry about failing –just try.

13.How to be like Florence Nightingale(l820-l9l0):Steadfastness
Every woman, or at least almost every woman, in England has, at one time or another of her life, (been in) charge of the personal health of somebody, whether child or invalid-in other words, every woman is a nurse.-Florence Nightingale
Florence Nightingale’s name is synonymous with nursing and compassion. Her heroic efforts during and after the Crimean War ushered in the era of modern nursing and encouraged army medical reforms.
-Decide how you will impact the world
-Follow your heart and religious faith
-ignore society’s stereotypes.-Stand up for yourself
-Learn to write well
- Be courageous
-Defend those who can’t defend themselves

14. How to be like Harriet Beecher Stowe (l8ll-l896)-Empathy
Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote ‘Uncle Tom’s cabin’, one of the most historically important novels ever written.
-Choose a partner who brings out the best in you
-Set goals
-Work with passion; strive to make a difference
-Create time to follow your dreams

15.How to be like Harriet Tubman(l820-l913)-Righteousness
Harriet Tubman was a former slave who became known as the ‘Moses of her people’. As a young woman in the mid-l800s, Tubman made a dangerous and momentous decision: she was going to escape the chains of slavery and be free-one way or another.
-Be committed to your cause
-Give back to society
-Pay attention to details
-Look for new ways to make a difference.

16. How to be like Sojourner Truth( l797-l883):Faith
For thirty years, starting in the late l840s, former slave Sojourner Truth was an intinerant preacher who spoke out against the evils of slavery. She is remembered as the first prominent black woman orator in the United States who expanded her causes to civil rights, women’s right, suffrage and temperature.
-Develop a deep faith
-develop courage
-Speak from your heart
-Know your strenghths

17.How to be like Clara Barton(l82l-l9l2):Determination
Dare to do—Clara Barton
Clara Barton distinguish herself during the civil war by personally bringing supplies to battlefield hospitals, and as the founder of the American Red cross.
-Be useful and serve society
-Take the initiative
-Be courageous
-Rise early
-Face your fears

18. How to be like Susan B. Anthony(l820-l906):Relentlessness
Remember that the only fear you need have is the fear of not standing by the things you believe to be right. Take your stand and hold it: then let come what will, and receive  the blows like a good soldier –Susan B. Anthony
Susan B. Anthony was one of the primary leaders in the women’s suffrage movement of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. She was its most visible symbol and voice. Her efforts and those of her associates rsulted in women gaining the right to vote.
-Be bold
-Decide what you are fighting for
-confront your fears to advance your cause
-Stand up for the less fortunate

19.How to be like Elizabeth Cady Stanton(l8l5-l902):Focus
Elizabeth Candy Stanton was the driving force behind the early women’s rights movement in the united states. She was also one of the primary leaders in the women’s suffrage movement in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. In many ways she was she was its heart.
-Develop a social conscience
-learn from others
-practice what you preach
-When inspired, act
-Be persistent and work hard
- Accept no limitations
-Take advantage of every opportunity

20. How to be like Mary Kay Ash(l9l5-200l):Intergrity
I put a lot of emphasis on how to treat people. The reason for this is simple. The real success of our personal lives and careers can best be measured by the relationships we have with the people most dear to us-our family, friends and co-workers. If we fail in this aspect of our lives, no matter how vast our worldly possessions or how high on the corporate ladder we climb, we will have achieved very little.-May Kay Ash
Mary Kay Ash was the founder of Mary Kay Inc., a l.6 Billion-dollar-a-year company (b.2 billion at retail) in the field of women’s cosmetics. Millions of women have sold Mary Kay’s products and had their lives changed as a result.
-Live by the golden rule
-Make everyone feel important
-be enthusiastic
- Be generous in praising people
-Practice discipline and time management

Wow, I have learnt a lot from the lives of this great women, I have been greatly inspired.

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