This is a very insightful book that is very spiritually loaded and gigantic in wisdom. In this book the writer reveals to us that as a Christian despite the enormity of the calling upon your life, there is an inheritance that you must receive from your spiritual fathers; which can only be gotten by your total submission to you  spiritual father and the word of God to you.

According to the writer after receiving a new heart, that heart must continually be fed by our heavenly father. It is God’s desire that we receive the full portion of our spiritual inheritance his portion will change you. it will birth you into destiny. When you are receiving your spiritual portion from God, it will feed your spirit. As your spirit grows, you will come to maturity in Christ. And as Christians everywhere mature  in Christ, maturity comes to the body of Christ.

According to the writer, it is Gods desire to change the world one person at a time. When a person walks into a ministry – your ministry – and sits under your spiritual leadership, God’s sole purpose for that person is to birth him or her into destiny through your leadership. On the other hand, if you are the one seeking spiritual leadership and nourishment in the body of Christ, your introduction into a local ministry, should be based upon a divine connection, communication and relationship that you have with the leadership of that local ministry. Your connection to that church should not be based upon the choir or the praise and worship team, the basket ball club or the usher’s board, and certainly not because you like the fact that they throw big birthday parties for their members. In short, you should not join a church because of it’s activities. According to the writer too many people have done this. They haven’t link to the divine portion of their spiritual fathers and the deposit of their spiritual mothers.

The Father is concerned about every individual sitting in the pews, but is primary goal is relationship with Him and those who stand in His stead in leadership. He is a God that moves through divine order. That is also why didn’t simply send an angel or another created being to fulfill His plan of redeeming redemption. He sent His very own son in doing so, God was helping humanity to understand that deliverance must come through the relationship of family. Deliverance comes through God being our heavenly father - and we being children of the royal family.

 The writer in this book shares her experiences and states that one of the first signs that you are in the right spiritual home isn’t that you feel like withdrawing or being indifferent. It is when your spirit becomes humbled to the point that you ask. ‘what can I do?’. According to the writer, God gives our spiritual a vision, a purpose and a plan –and then he births children into the kingdom who are capable of helping them to fulfill it. The anointing you have is not for you. it is to make sure the vision your heavenly father has given to your spiritual father and mother will be fulfilled. As God’s children, we must be confronted with the fact that there is power in obedience. Obedience is vital to your work with God. Whatever you believe God is calling you to accomplish as an individual, it is not for you, and it is not about you. it is about a spiritual vision that is been passed from generation to generation . it is about serving as part of one body, doing specifically what God has created and equipped you to do.

True sons and daughters in the kingdom are focused on the will and vision of their spiritual Fathers. According to the writer, the body of Christ hasn’t reached the purpose of doing the Father’s will because we stay too offended to build His kingdom. Our attention stays focused on what’s being done to us in the fleshly realm. The only way we can prove authentically that we are the body, then we have to have nail print. We have to be whipped , spat upon, and talked about to be authentic sons and daughters. You will have to go through some things, walk through difficult situations, and deal with hard issues – things the enemy tries to use to whip you out – and still survive, because you belong to the body of Christ. You survived because you belong to the Father and obey the Son, doing what He called, anointed , and appointed you to do. Faithfulness therefore, can only be birthed in a person when he or she is willing to obey the voice of the Father, no matter what the price. There is power in obedience. You will get recognition when you establish and respect the workings of your Father.

According to the writer we get power from the things we suffer. But the church tries to escape from pain and discomfort. It is a very dangerous thing to kick against the person God has set before you as your Leader. For example when Moses sister,  Miriam, came against Moses, God struck her with leprosy. When you respect the authority that has been placed over your life, you don’t have to wander in the valley of decision, you don’t have to be without direction – because God has given someone the right to give orders and make decisions that covers you. he can order the enemy out of your life, and he can unlock your destiny. If you are going to accomplish anything for God, you have to be in divine order. A person has authority in the spirit realm because he or she is living in submission to the Father. Therefore a leader who is doing the will of the Father has this God-given grace. And for this reason you should comply with his or her direction.

A leader cannot enforce authority unless that leader is under authority and his or her obedience is complete. We are empowered by submission. When we submit to authority in obedience to God, then we have the power to command the enemy. We have power over anything that comes to attack or destroy our destiny. The enemy is not afraid of a person who preaches. He is not afraid of our messages. He is not scared of the person who is shouting and speaking in tongues in church. He is not even threatened by some one who can quote the Bible verbatim, from cover to cover. He is terrified  of the person who has submitted his life under the obedience of Christ.

The writer compares the ministries of Saul and David.  The writer went on to ask a vital question: How do you know your spiritual Father? That which he feeds you will be a satisfying portion in order to determine your spiritual depth and do what length the Holy Spirit has prepared you for. The writer enjoins us to feed on the word of God. According to her, talent can put you on the platform… but only your diet can keep you where God places you. infirmities and offences are sure to come, but if your spirit has been fed the right diet, it will sustain you. if you have not ‘dieted’ on the  word , you won’t be able to bear through times of trouble. You wont be able to stand.

The writer went further to enlighten us on what to do or not to do while in the presence of our spiritual father(mentor). According to the writer, the only way to get to our next level is by keeping ourselves in the company of the right people and the right atmosphere. She took us through the power of rebuke and the consequences of disobedience which can result to generational curses. She also analyses the lives of some kings in 2chronicles chapter 25,26,27 and 28. She also went further to throw more lights in the battles between Elijah, Elisha, Ahab and Jezebel; and how Ahab and Jezebel were destroyed. How to identify the spirit of Jezebel and how to defeat it. The writer concluded by telling us about the seven spirits of God  as written in Isaiah 11:1-3:
-The Spirit of the Lord
-The Spirit of Wisdom
-The Spirit of Understanding
-The Spirit of Counsel
-The Spirit of Might
-The Spirit of Knowledge
-The Spirit of Reverential and obedient fear of the Lord.

This book is very apt  for everyone who have the call of God on their life and are desirous of fulfilling their destiny in accordance  to God perfect order.

This book is loaded, Bynum is an anointed Minister of God. This book is a revelation. What do you think?



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