Unmerited Favor
It was really awesome taking time out reading  this book; at some points I had had cause to close it and just lift up my hands and bless the name of the Lord. This book reveals the personality of Jesus Christ, His great sacrifice and that as He is in heaven so are we here on earth.

According to the writer God wants you to succeed in every area of your life. And with His presence in your life you can. His grace(unmerited favour) can swing open doors of opportunities and place you at the right place at the right time for His blessings. Even if you lack the necessary qualifications, His unmerited favour can propel you forward. This book is all about Jesus. It is about His passionate love for you and His desire for you to experience success in your life.

In the introduction of this book, the writer asked a vital question: do you believe that Jesus is interested in your success? According to the writer there are two ways to success : the world’s way and God’s way. The world’s way to success is based on meritocracy. Where you are successful based on your efforts  i.e deserved favour. While God’s way to success in the new covenant is a direct contradiction to that, and is based on His unmerited favour. You can’t earn it. You cannot deserve it and you certainly can’t merit it. It comes by way of God’s grace and by the power of what was accomplished at Calvary. God’s ways are higher and they always lead to good and abiding success . you cannot mix your own effort with God’s grace.

The Christian life today is not based on what you are doing or not doing. The reality is that the Christian life is not a religion at all. It is about having a relationship based completely on receiving what God himself has done on the cross. When you receive completely what Jesus has done for you your ‘doing’ will flow effortlessly. Depending on your own efforts to deserve favour from God is considered ‘dead works’. It is God’s desire for us to depend wholly on the unmerited favour of Jesus.

According to the writer God unmerited favour is the Gospel. God’s unmerited favor is not a subject. It is a person, and His name is Jesus. When you have Jesus, you have unmerited favor l Jesus and unmerited favour do not exist separately. Unmerited favour is embodied in His entire being and in His finished work at Calvary.

God’s definition of success is contrary to the world’s definition. The world measures success based on what you have done, what you have accomplished and what you have accumulated. It is based entirely on you focusing all your time, energy and resources in meriting titles and  collecting accomplishments. From genesis 39 (looking at the life of Joseph), it is clear that success is not what you have, but rather who you have. Joseph literally had nothing materially, but at the time, he had everything because the Lord was with him. The material things do not make you a success. And because the Lord is with you, you are already a success When you have Jesus in your life, you are no longer trying to be a success, you are a success.

According to the writer God has no problem with you having money, but he does not want money to have you. use money and love people. Don’t love money and use people. You and I, who are new covenant believers in Christ, are called the seed of Abraham, and like Abraham, we are called to be a blessing. The word of God says “but seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. now what this the kingdom of God? The apostle Paul tells us in Romans l4:l7 that the Kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but ‘righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Ghost’. When you keep your eyes fixed on Jesus and pursue the kingdom of God, which is Jesus’ righteousness, His peace and His joy, God’s word promises that ‘all things’ refer to what you will eat, drink and wear. Jesus tells us that you do not have to be consumed by these concerns. You are to just to keep your eyes on the cross. Not only not only will He add the things that you need in this life to you, He will also cause you to become safe for success.

The writer further to state that your righteousness in Christ is your right to God unmerited favour. You can ask God for big things because you have been made the righteousness of God through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. Your righteousness in Christ is the sure foundation in which you can build your expectations to receive God’s unmerited favour. God sees you through the lens of the cross of his son, and as Jesus is today deserving of blessings, peace, health and favour, so are you. we are not righteous because we do right. We became righteous because of what Jesus did for us at the cross see 2nd Corinthians  5: 2l, Isaiah 54:l7

According to the writer the Law is not for the believer, who has been made righteous in Christ. The Law is not applicable to someone who is under the new covenant of grace. The Law is for unrighteous people- unbelievers who have not received Jesus as their savior. Its purpose is to bring them to the end of themselves and to help them realize that they need the Lord. The Law demands from man, but grace (unmerited favour) imparts to man. The Law condemns the sinner, but grace makes the sinner righteous. The Law brings death, but grace brings abundant life. The Law is designed to expose all your deficiencies but grace points you to your sufficiency in Christ. Under the Law, God will leave when man fails. But under grace, God will never leave you nor forsake you even when you fail.

You will never be able to make yourself holy enough to qualify for God’s blessings. You are made holy, righteous and clean by the blood of Jesus Christ, and it is his righteous standing that qualifies you – nothing more and nothing less. So stop trying to clean yourself before you go to the Lord  come to Jesus with all your mess, all your addictions, all your weaknesses and all your failures. God loves you just as you are. However He also loves you too much to let you stay the same. When you come to Jesus, He becomes your ‘bath’. He will wash you clean, whiter than snow. Jump into the bath today and allow Jesus to make you perfect, righteous in God’s and holy in God’s eyes.

In conclusion the writer reveals  that because of Jesus’ perfect work on the cross,  we are righteous by His blood, and we are greatly blessed, highly favored and deeply loved and good things comes our way. We have a confident expectation of good always.
Wow what a lovely book…..

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