The writer started by first referring us to Mark 5:25-34 about the woman with the issue of blood. The writer also went further  to  Mark 11: 23-24, especially the last part which says “He shall have whatsoever he said”. The writer also referred us to the book of Numbers  13 which tells us the story of the 12 spies sent to Jericho.

What is an evil report- it is a report of doubt
What is a good report- it is a report of faith
You always get and have in your life what you believe for and say. If you  do not believe what you are saying, you should not say it, because if you say something long enough, those words eventually will register on your spirit and will control you life.

Each one of those ten spies got exactly what he said. Not one of them  entered the promised land, they all wandered in the wilderness until they died. What they said came to pass. Joshua and Caleb did not deny that there were giants in the land ‘yes, they admitted, ‘in our own eyes  we are as grasshoppers in their sight’.  But when you analyze what they said, they confessed, ‘our God is well able to deliver them  into our hands. We are well able to overcome the giant and possess the land’.

It is not the giants in life who defeat people. It is not the storms of life that defeated you. It is not the devil who defeat’s you. If you are defeated, you have defeated yourself by your wrong thinking, wrong believing, and wrong talking.

The woman with the issue of blood got exactly what she said.

Many things happen because we think they ought to happen.

We fail many times because we get ready to fail. We prepare for failure, we think it, believe it and do it. But we as believers should never talk failure, doubt, our unbelief, we should talk faith

When we act presumptuously, you will fail flat on your face and the devil will defeat you badly. Bt when you act because you act on the word of God then your success is sure.

Joshua and Caleb were the only members of that generation who entered the promised land.

It wasn’t the giants in Canaan that who kept Israel from entering in. if it had been the giants, they would have defeated Joshua and Caleb, just as they did the rest of the spies. No, the ten spies defeated themselves. It was their thinking, wrong believe and wrong talking that defeated them.

Truly we can have what we say.


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