Secrets of the Secret Place

The sole purpose of this book is to help us have a fruitful quiet time with God and to fuel our passion to be in the secret place and to know the keys to igniting your personal time with God. This book is divided into four parts to wit: (a) Accepting the great invitation (b) Making it work (c) Setting a marathon space (d)Seeking a deeper relationship.

Part I: Accepting the great invitation
Isn’t it incredible that the awesome God of the universe has invited us to a breathing, growing relationship with him! This first section of meditation  directs our  hearts to some of the foundational truths that will help us establish a meaningful secret place connection with the Lord.
-the secret of saying “yes”. One of the best kept secrets of our faith is the blessedness and joy of cultivating a secret life with God. See Psalms 91:1
-The secret of the shut door. See Matthew 6:6, when your  enter your room, and shut your door, you are in the presence of your father.
-The secret of listening. God has always designed that the secret place be a place where He answers us and speaks to us.
-The secret of radical obedience. Hearing God in the secret place is one of the greatest key to the overcoming Christian life. See James 1:22
-The secret of rapid repentance. Become a good repenter. The only way to move forward in God is through repentance.
-The secret of sowing. See Galatians 6:7-9. According to the writer, the common struggle of Christians, when it comes to the secret place, is to feel like they are “spinning  their wheels”, that their time in prayer and meditation is accomplishing nothing.
-The secret of refuge. The secret place is a place of refuge from the storms of life.
-The secret of decision making. The writer enjoins us to always run into the secret place when we are about to make an important decision.
-The secret of no plan B. God loves it when you look up to him alone for deliverance.
-The secret of burning. It is the secret place that lights our fire, that sets us burning.
-The secret of violence. This is the hour to seek God with violent abandonment.
-The secret of humility. Humility is the foundation of all prayers.
-The secret of intercession. The secret place is the perfect place for intercession so that things that God had purposed to happen can happen faster without delays.
-The secret of watching. See Mark 13:33, 14:34. At the place of prayer we bring our awareness of happenings in the world to the searching lamp of the scriptures and the spirit of God.

PART II of this book leads us on some practical dynamics-“hands –on nitty-gritty” this part helps us to maximize the potential of the secret place.
-The secret of radiation therapy. When we expose ourselves to God habitual sins are easy to overcome.
-The secret of time. It is important that we allot more time to enjoy our secret place, but it doesn’t start in one day.
-The secret of retreats. According to the writer effective retreats will wisely include four elements: solitude, no entertainment, fasting and the Gospels.
-The secret of journal. According to the writer, he keeps journal because he is desperate for more.
-The secret of meditating see Joshua 1:8
-The secret of simultaneous reading. The word of God has the power to change us.
-The secret of praying the scripture. The Bible is a massive prayer book.
-The secret of finishing. Sometimes our secret place is interrupted by forces beyond our control, desire to finish no matter what.
-The secret of morning. Give God your best, for some is in the morning while for others it could be in the evening.
-The secret of getting dressed. The secret place helps us to get dressed against the accuser.
-The secret of self-denial. To be in the secret place is a sacrifice worth making.
-The secret of boredom
-The secret of feeling attractive to God.

PART III- this part helps us to prepare our hearts to make a life time commitment to the secret place. At this stage we want to resolve of pursuing God in the secret place every single day of our lives until we’re called home.
-The secret of desperation
-The secret of manna gathering. You become dependent on God.
-The secret of enduring. We receive strength to endure situations.
-The secret of confinement. In our times of loneliness God is always there.
-The secret waiting. The closer you get to God you will realize that God is in no hurry.
The secret of tears: You must be sincere.
-The secret of holiness: We are His righteousness in Christ Jesus
The secret of buying gold. We become Christ like.
-The secret of bodily light. This is the place of incredible freedom from temptation.
-The secret of standing
The secret of beholding Jesus. When reading the scriptures read with the intent to see Jesus.

PART IV. At this final stage the writer shows us valuable truths that have the potential to ignite us to new dimensions of intimacy with Christ Jesus.
The secret place of pursuing true riches.
-The secret place of the cross. We enjoy the greatest immunity from the attacks of the devil.
-The secret place of rest.
The secret of just loving Him. See John 3:16
-The secret place of being known.
-The secret of intimacy
- The secret of bridal identity. God wants a clinging bride.
-The secret of walking with God. God is looking for a walking partner.
- The secret buying oil. Without the Holy Spirit we become lifeless.
-The secret of constant supply.
-The secret of abiding in Christ. The only way to abide in God is to allow His word to abide in you see John 15: 7-8.   

 This book is a master piece!

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