In this book the writer has simplified the meaning of faith, how to work in it and have results. He made references to some bible passages to further buttress is teaching, bible passages such as: Hebrews 11:1, 1st peter 2:24, Philippians 4:19, Romans 10:8, Romans 10:17, Mark 4:24, Matthew 12:37, 2nd Corinthians 4:18 and 2nd Corinthians 5:7.

According to the writer, faith does have a time of operation and that time is ‘now’. Now are we what the word of God says that we are and have. Faith is the evidence of things not seen. What is evidence? Is proof. What is proof? That what God has said corning all aspects of your life that it is already done.

Faith comes only by hearing the word of God over and over again. What you hear or listen to is very important for your faith to grow and be effective. Faith is the spiritual currency to tap into the spiritual to claim your possessions. Your words basically are inspired by what you hear. Faith and the word go together. You cannot have faith without the word of God and without the word of God you have no faith. As Christians we are to look not at the things that are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the the things that are seen are temporary (subject to change); but the things that are not seen are eternal. Faith is not denying the fact but it is not allowing the fact to control but the word of God only which is faith.

According to the writer 2nd Corinthians 4:18 doesn’t tell us to deny the existence of things that we perceive by the senses. It is saying ‘don’t look at them’.  The only way to do it is to ignore every situation we are going through in our lives that is not in line with God’s word like poverty, sickness…etc. in 2nd Corinthians 5:7 we walk by faith and not by sight. We do not deny our senses but we do not let them dictate to us. According to the writer, God can only confirm his word. S instead of say “oh, God, heal me”, say instead “praise the Lord! I believe I am healed”. Which is in line with God’s word  in 1st Peter 2:24. That gives God something to work with in your life. God’s word moves him to do something. God doesn’t confirm our begging or crying or pain. He only confirms his word with signs following.

According to the writer he is not saying that Christians don’t’ have pain. But confessing the circumstances is not going to change anything. You have to confess the word. You have to start putting the word out. When you do that, you put your faith to work and give God something to confirm in your life. When it comes to spiritual things, especially the things of God, we have to apply faith and not our senses.

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