This book is super packed and loaded with  spiritual insight into the power that our words weigh and the advantages impeded deep down in the proper use of the tongue as well as the negative consequences when the wrong words are uttered. In this book Kenneth Copeland reveals the Bible secret of words and the vital importance of using the tongue to create rather than destroy.

The writer started by quoting Proverbs 18:21, ‘Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and they who indulge in it shall eat the fruit of it (for death or life), the Amplified Bible).  According to the writer  there is a Bible secret of words. Words are spiritual; they carry power. The words we speak are of vital importance to our lives . when God created the human race, He placed in us the special ability to choose our own words and speak them forth at will. That ability makes the human being different from all other creatures, even the angels . Angels can speak , but they speak only the words God tells them to speak;  they act but only by the command of God. 

Words have played a vital role in life since the beginning of time. God used words when He created the heavens and the earth. Man was created from faith –filled words of God – words of power, dominion and life. Adam was created in God’s class. He was made in the likeness of God and, consequently, had a free will.  Man had total authority to rule as a god over every living creature  on earth , and he was to rule by speaking words. His words would carry the power and anointing of God that was in him from the time he was first created.

The writer went further to tell us that it was not until satan entered the picture that the power of words was perverted to bring death and destruction. Satan is not a god. He is a fallen angel. He is not in the God lass. Consequently, there is no creative power in him. Satan uses the creative power in man’s words to manipulate the circumstances of the world. Every thing he produces is only a counterfeit of the real. He takes what God has already created and perverts it to his own use. God’s plan was for man to live eternally , producing a race that would be in close fellowship and communion with Him. But once Adam disobeyed God , that plan was altered. The authority that had been delegated to man was suddenly in the hands of satan.

Jesus was the last Adam  and He passed the test that the first Adam failed. He paid the price for Adam’s transgression . he took Adam’s punishment, his sinfulness, his sickness  and disease, his infirmities and his shame. Jesus bore all of this just as if He Himself had committed treason against God.  Jesus took back the authority that satan had stolen from Adam in the Garden of Eden. He made an open show  of principalities and powers , lording it over them in their own domain.  The writer further said that satan is still ‘the god of this world’ 2cor4:4 and he has authority in the earth over natural men, but Jesus has provided His body  of believers with the power and authority to overcome satan in this world. We are not of this world, so satan is not our god! See math 28:18-19, mark 16:15-18 gives us that authority to stand against satan. It is our responsibility to bind his forces and render him helpless. Through Jesus, we have been delivered out of the power of darkness and have been translated into the kingdom of God, but we have to stand our ground to keep satan from robbing us of our victory.

The writer lets us to know that we have a weapons and that the basis of our weapons is ‘the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God see eph 6:17. Satan will challenge you as much as he can to test your willingness to stand your ground. But by understanding and exercising your authority as a believer, you will always be able to triumph over him. As a born again believer, you are equipped with the word. You have the power of God at your disposal. By getting the word deep into your spirit and speaking it boldly out of your mouth, you release spiritual power to change things in the natural circumstances of your life.

Your tongue is the deciding factor in your life. No matter how fierce the storm or how serious the problem, your tongue will turn it. No storm is so big that you, as a believer, cannot overcome it with God’s word in your mouth. Your confession will control your ship in the storm. In the natural world, the tongue works like a fire, setting the entire course of life. By using the tongue, satan controls the circumstances of life. First, he plants evil, negative thoughts into the mind. Then as they are dwelt upon , they drop down into the spirit; and finally , out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth will speak.

Finally, when the word is in your heart in abundance, it will come out of your mouth. By speaking God’s word, you replace the negative forces at work in your life with the positive forces from the good treasure of your heart.

 I  love this book. WHAT ABOUT YOU?


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