This book is more like an autobiography of Mr. Richard’s  sojourn  into the entrepreneurial world and his eventual venture into massive wealth. In this book the writer shares his experiences, challenges and lessons learnt in the process so as to inspire young and upcoming  entrepreneurs to enable them find their own unique selling point.

In the preface of this book , the writer was magnanimous enough to tell us that everything we do touches something or someone, somewhere. He also said if you look ahead to the end, and all the miles between, with all the dangers you might face, you might never take the first step. Whatever it is you want to achieve in life, if you don’t make the effort, you won’t reach your goal. Take the first step. There will be many challenges. You might get a few knock-backs but in the end, you will make it.
The writer believes in his motto: ‘Screw it-just do it’. According to him  believe it can be done whatever you want to do, have goals, live life to the full. Never give up. Prepare well in whatever you want to venture into. Have faith in yourself, try and try again. Help each other in business. The writer believes in ‘just doing it’ once the ideal comes waiting a little bit might be too late. Some people might want to think over and over an idea before taking step or not. Some are over-cautious or suspicious of new ideals, or simply need time to think. According to the writer, once something is a good idea, his way is to say ‘yes , I’ll consider it’’.

He believe in using and harnessing other people’s knowledge and experience, which is why he loves working holistically, with team. The writer trust his own instinct to do almost anything he set his mind to do. The writer has this to say to us ‘if you recognize something is a good idea, or there is something in your personal life that you want to do, but aren’t immediately sure how to achieve your goal, I don’t believe that little word ‘can’t’ should stop you. if you don’t have the right experience to reach your goal, go in another direction, look for another way in. there is always a solution to the most complex problem. If you want to fly get to the airfield at the age of 16 and make tea. Keep your eyes open. Look and learn. You don’t have to go to art school to be a fashion designer. Join a fashion company and push a broom. Work your way up’.

The writer let’s us to know that he couldn’t have made it this far without support from friends and family especially his parents. The writer also went further to say that if you really want to do anything well, you must plan and prepare. The writer has this to say about balance in business,  ‘ I have no secret. There are no rules to follow in business. I just work hard and, as I always have done, believe I can do it. Most of all, though, I try to have fun. I sincerely believe that work should be tampered with fun, and by that, I mean enjoying myself, not working and worrying and getting stressed out. I don’t see of spending every waking moment working, sometimes to the point of exhaustion. Fun refreshes us,; it’s stimulating and vital on physical and spiritual levels. Knowing how to laugh and love and appreciate each other is what life is all about’.

According to the writer we should enjoy what we do, whatever it is. Our work should inspire and satisfy us. According to him, hard work and fun is what life is all about. Never just try to make money. Long term success, happiness, and satisfaction will never come if  profit is the only reason for your enterprise.  He enjoins us to be bold in taking calculated risk, to believe in yourself , chase your dreams and goals. According to the writer in business deals some you win and some you lose . be glad when you win. Don’t have regrets when you lose. Never look back. According to the writer, we should always aim high, try new things and always try, challenge yourself. Everyone needs something to aim for.
According to the writer to enjoy every moment of your life, you must mend bridges with everyone you fall out with, even your worst enemies and to try and befriend them. ‘always living in the future can slow us down as much as always looking behind. Many people are always looking ahead and they never seem content. They look for quick fixes, like winning the lottery. I know that money is important. But the bottom line is money is just a means to an end, not an end in itself; and what is going on now is as important as what you are planning for the future. Even though my diary is full for months ahead, I have learned to live  for the moment’. According to the writer the only one thing helps you capture the moment is to have no regrets. Regrets weigh you down and hold you back in the past when you should move on.

This is what the writer says about challenges:  ‘You can call it a challenge or, you can call it a goal. It is what makes us human. It was challenges that took us from being cavemen to reaching for the starts. If you can challenge yourself, you will grow, your life will change, your outlook will be positive. It’s always easy to reach your goals but that’s no reason to stop. Instead , say to yourself , ‘I can do it. I will keep on trying until I win’.
In chapter five, the writer draws our attention to power of taking action by standing on our feet. Rely on yourself, chase your dreams but live in the real world. If you want something , go get it.

In his book the writer went further to tell us about respect in the business world. According to him we should be polite and respectful. Do the right thing, keep your good name. be fair in all your dealings . Respect is how you treat everyone, not just those you want to impress. Whatever your field as an entrepreneur you must be passionate about it and create excitement in everything you do . you must be innovative. Nothing is impossible, think creatively. Take a look at your business and ask yourself, ‘is this how I would love to be treated if I were the customer’.

Finally after amassing wealth do some good with it in order to leave the world better than you met it . and as you are going about your business and chasing your goal always think young despite your age. According to the writer, ‘I believe that whatever your age, a fresh and youthful approach in everything, from business to lifestyle will renew and energies. I always say, train for the future and think global’.

Wow! This book is a wonderful piece. Did you get anything from what you just read?


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