This is a great spiritual book that exposes the operations of the enemy and how he can easily be defeated by Christians.

The writer lets us to know that the devil is a Chief Deceiver by twisting the word of God, he lies to deceive his victims. He his the father of liars. The writer refers us to bible references where the devil was named a deliver : John 8:44, REV 12:9, 2ND COR 11:B, 2JOHN 1:7 and in Gen B: 1-7 The writer  went into details how the serpent deceived eve and which eventually led to the downfall of man. And the deceiver’s target is your mind. According to the writer when Satan wanted to lead the first man and woman in sin, he started by first attacking the woman’s mind. Why would satan want to attack your mind? Because your mind is the part of the image of God where God communicates with you and reveals his will to you. your mind can reach into the past through memory, or it can reach into the future through imagination. Your thinking affects your  feeling and your willing.

For as a man thinks within himself , so he is, prov. 2B V. 7. The doctor says, ‘you are what you eat’. The psychologist says, ‘you are what you think.’ Satan knows the tremendous power of your mind , and he tries to capture it for himself. Isaiah 26:B. Satan’s weapon is  ‘lies’ . God accomplishes his will on earth through ‘truth’ Satan accomplishes his purposes through ‘lies’. When the child of God believes God’s truth, then the spirit of God can work in power; for the Holy Spirit is ‘the Spirit of truth . when a person believes a lie, then Satan goes to work in that life.  Faith in God’s truth leads to victory; faith in Satan lies leads to defeat. Satan’s purpose for attacking your mind is to make you ignorant of God’s will. Satan attacks God’s word  because God’s word reveals God’s will. Our only defense to the attack of satan on our mind is the inspired word of God. Only the inspired word of God can reveal  and defeat the devil’s lies. You cannot reason with satan , nor (Eve discovered ) can you ever safely converse with him. Man’s wisdom is no match for satan’s  cunning . Our only defense is the inspired word of God. It was this weapon that our Lord used when he was tempted by Satan in the wilderness. According to the writer if we are to defeat satan we must know God’s word, we must memorize God’s word, we must meditate on God’s word and we must use God’s word. 

The writer also lets us to know that satan is also ‘The Destroyer’ and he wants to destroy your body. If satan cannot defeat you by deceiving your mind, he will then try to destroy your body. Why does he want to destroy your body: a. your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost  1cor 6:19-20 (b) your body is God’s tool  Roms 6:12-1(c) your body is God’s treasury 2cor 4:7 (d) your body is God’s testing ground 1cor 9:27. The weapon satan uses to attack our body is ‘suffering’. Satan wants to control the circumstances around the body so that the believer will suffer . he wants to touch the body and create suffering. All of this is illustrated in the story of job. It is important to note that God is always is in control. Satan could not attack Jobs possessions  and attack Job’s person until God allowed it. This is a great encouragement to us , for we know that whatever suffering may come to our lives, God has ordained it and he is in complete control . the one thing God will not control is how we respond to his suffering, and it is here that satan can gain his purpose. You cannot control the origin of your suffering, but you can control the outcome. Satan’s purpose for attacking your body is to make you impatient with God’s will. Patient is an important Christian virtue. Unless we have patience, we have patience, we can never learn many of the truths that God wants us to learn , truths that will lead us into a deeper life and a more fruitful ministry. The only way we can learn patience is by going through the trials that God assigns to us. Your defense when the devil attacks your body is the imparted Grace of God. It is the imparted Grace of God that gives us victory when satan attacks the body with suffering. What steps, then, should you take when satan attacks your body with suffering and tries to make you impatient  with God’s will? (a) immediately submit yourself to God and give thanks to God. The devil hates it when believers thank God in their trials. (b)spend much time in the word of God (c)look for ways to glorify Christ.

According to the writer satan is the ‘Ruler’ and he target’s your will and his weapon is pride and his purpose for attacking your will is to make you independent of God’s will. One of the most important lessons the believer must learn is that he cannot be independent of God. According to the writer pride means that we at independently of God, or worse yet, that we try to use God to accomplish our own selfish purposes. God becomes our heavenly slave and we tell him what he must do. Our defense is the indwelling spirit of God. Pride is such a strong weapon , and satan is such a strong adversary, that only a stronger power can give victory. The power comes from the Holy Spirit of God.

According to the writer satan is also ‘The Accuser’ and his target is your heart and conscience and his weapon is ‘Accusation’ and his purpose is to bring an indictment by God’s will. Satan wants you to feel guilty . your heavenly father wants you to know that your sins are forgiven. Satan knows that if you live under a dark cloud of guilt, you will not be able to witness effectively or serve the Lord with power and blessing. And our defense is the interceding son of God. It is true that satan stands at our right hand to resist us and accuse us. But it is also true that Jesus Christ stands at God’s right hand to intercede for us.

According to the writer Christians ought always to live by faith. Everybody in this world lives by faith. The difference between the Christian and the unconverted person is not the (fact) of faith, but the (object ) of faith. The unsaved person trusts himself and other humans; the Christian trusts God. It is your faith in God that is the secret of victory in ministry. The writer went on to enjoin us not to give satan a beachhead. He however outlined some sins that give satan a beachhead as follows: (a) lying (b) anger (c)stealing (d)filthy speech (e)an unforgiving spirit (f)slander. The writer warns Christians to be watchful as satan is already at work in most churches. The writer went  further by telling us what to wear to war: (a) the girdle of truth (b) the breastplate of righteousness (c)the shoes of peace (d)the shield of faith (e)the helmet of salvation (f) the sword of the spirit. He also made mention of the origin of satan, his army  and their organization, their operations and their outcome. He concluded by stating that the devil has entered the home and his purpose his to teach doctrines that forbid marriage, he seeks to reverse the leadership in the home, he wants to lead husband and wife into moral impurity and he gets the wife too busy outside the home.

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