In this priceless book the authors have listed out 1 tips that can help strengthen marriages.

TIP 1- PUT GOD FIRST: God must be a central component of your marriage. The belief in a higher power for guidance is what should be your go to when you are on the ropes with how to handle things in your marriage. According to the writers , if both parties  are seeking to please God and pray for a lasting and sustaining marriage, then  HE should be remembered when things are going bad  and when things are going well.

TIP 2 – RESPECT YOUR VOWS (BE COMMITTED – FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE). Marriage is forever –For Better or for Worse, Richer or for poorer, in Sickness and Health- Till Death do Us part. The commitment of marriage is more than a formatted or fermented ideal in your head. The commitment to stay with someone while forsaking all others all of the rest of the days of your lives is an idea that must resonate with your soul.

TIPS 3–DON’T TRY TO CHANGE THE PERSON YOU MARRIED: Don’t try to mold or change the person you fell in love with. Remember when you choose to spend the rest of your life with someone that it is that person at that time to which you are agreeing . don’t try to change the quirks that one has  or make them someone that they are not because they will not like it and eventually you won’t either.

TIPS 4-HAVE OPEN COMMUNICATION: Be willing to talk about anything and everything. Humor your partner for what they want to know. Sharing is bonding.

TIPS 5 –TREAT YOUR MARRIAGE LIKE A JOB: Marriage is hard work. Put in all of the effort that you would as  if you were climbing the corporate ladder. Act like your  marriage is a job. Address your challenges, work overtime when needed, and plan meetings to discuss how you are doing.

TIPS 6 – DISCUSS MONEY OR MONEY WILL DISGUST YOU: It is not uncommon for couples to divorce over money issues. Some of the biggest arguments in marriags are about money, not enough , not spending it incorrectly and sometimes too much money can cause marital friction. Make sure that you  are discussing all money matters and making major decisions together.

TIPS 7- DON’T KEEP SECRETS: The quickest way to destroy a relationship is to have a spouse find out about a secret. Depending on how the major the secret is, there will be a discussion or there will be fireworks. Immediately , TRUST has left the building.

TIPS 8- BE FORGIVING AND DON’T SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF: No matter how long you have been married, there is always something that is going to come up to which you are going to rub you the wrong way. The key is not to let it turn into a big deal. Talk about it, don’t let it fester and move on.

TIPS 9 – SPEAK KIND WORDS.: Stop nagging,. Toxic communication can sink a relationship

TIPS 10- DON’T BELIEVE MARRIAGE IS PERFECT: No marriage is perfect. Period. 

TIPS 11 – LEARN HOW TO AGREE AND DISAGREE: Just because  you are married does not mean that you are going to agree with everything your partner says. Learn how to disagree effectively by making and maintaining your point as well as keeping it lighthearted where you don’t have to go to be angry.

TIPS 12 – KEEP OUTSIDE INFLUENCE TO A MINIMUM: Don’t put others before my spouse. Once you marry you become as one. No one should be more important than the relationship between you and your spouse. Outsiders such as friends, parents, co-workers, siblings and other relatives may think differently but in order to keep your relationship intact, respect your spouse.

TIPS 13- BECOME BEST FRIENDS: There is a great feeling to be married to a person with whom you can laugh, cry, shop, travel, share your emotions, raise a family and make lifelong memories.

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