This is a lovely book , I must say that I really enjoyed reading every piece of this book. The writer was able to show us through the character of Mr. Eugene that indeed no man is perfect, we all have our weaknesses. But when we say that we have no weakness then we lie to ourselves and are blinded to the havoc that weakness wrath on our loved ones.

The commandments of God can be summarized in one ‘love your neighbor as yourself’, love therefore, is the principal thing, which was absent in the life of Mr. Eugene. He did not understand the true meaning of God’s love so he erred. He loved the religion, but did not know how to show love through the religion. A religion devoid of love is dead. He could not be merciful, loving, kind and compassionate to his father, he could not share with his father the riches God had blessed him with. His bitterness against his father for being a pagan did spill over without him knowing in the way he managed his home with a loving iron fist devoid of feelings .from all indications Mr. Eugene is  a choleric by temperament. He hated the dictators ruling the country but failed to see that he was no different from them.  He has anger issues, as he wanted to throw an object at his son but it got the figurines on the etagere, he was also responsible for the mysterious miscarriages of his phlegmatic wife as he used a table made of sturdy wood and broke it on her stomach.

Mr. Eugene was able to bring up children who were able to think but could not express themselves and socialize with their peers. His sister, Aunt Ifeoma, on the other hand despite being a catholic, took care of their pagan father and brought up her children in love, so that they could express themselves fearlessly.

His pursuit for perfection in the life of his love ones in all area of life blinded him from seeing  his brutality to his family. His seemingly timid wife had to take the bold step one day through the assistance of Sisi who introduced her to a witch doctor, who gave her a poison. Jaja however stood up for his mother took her place and went to prison while Kimbali comforts her Mum.

In their desperation in securing the freedom of Jaja they got involved in some dirty dealings that their righteous father would never have approved of but they only came to the realization that indeed there is non perfect, no not one. We have just this life to live , to forgive, to love and be compassionate.

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