This book teaches on
spiritual prosperity and the road map to getting there.
According to the
writer, the very basic beginning of Bible prosperity is tithing. The writer
refers us to Proverbs 10:22. The original plan and purpose of God for Adam and
Eve was prosperity. That was why Adam lacked nothing good in the garden.
It is God’s plan for us
to be prosperous but we must seek first the kingdom of God. True prosperity is
having all of our needs met. God’s plan for us is to have all our needs met
according to is riches by Christ Jesus.
Your first priority is
to please God for where your treasure is that is there will your heart be also.
If your treasure is Jesus as Lord and the word of God as the lamp unto your
feet, then you are a candidate for the material blessings
We must also learn to
trust God and stop worrying and give the word first place in your life.
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