Wow! i am excited to review this book once again. this is because the first time i reviewed this book it was the volume #1 but now it has up to fifth volume. This is great and awesome, this is poetry non stop, it is godly poetry all the way down to the end. It is inspiring, spiritual, and makes you what to stop and ponder deep into your very existence. It is supper packed with twenty wonderful and carefully selected poems for your reading pleasure. read one poem and you want to read everything non stop.

'Redeeming the time' is one of the poems in this volume 5 and it calls on us to make good use of our time because time once lost cannot be recovered, but we can only have a sense of fulfillment when we judicious make good use of our time and most especially when we use it in the things of God. Wow this is great. What about 'Mistakes to Miracles' this poem also in this volume 5 talks about how God is supper and more than able to turn our mistakes to miracles.How only him is capable to give us a fresh start. .

I could go on an don but the good thing about ISOKEN ADISA-ISIKALU'S  'Extra Mile' is that you can easily download all the volumes easily without stress by clicking right away on okadabooks.com. especially volume 5 follow this link https://beta.okadabooks.com/book/about/extra_mile_5/19355 for easy purchase. Another beautiful thing about this book is that it is affordable, with only 300 Naira this book is all yours. hurry now and start reading now.


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