Service the Master Key - Faith Oyedepo

This is a straightforward book that teaches on ‘service’ in the house of God. The writer has taking her to show us the importance of service, why Christians can not afford to be bench warmers and on lookers in their Father’s house. She started by giving an apt divination of what service really is . in giving us a perfect definition she first referred us to the book of Luke 13: 6-9.

According to the writer from the light of the above script ion, Kingdom Service is simply the use of  divine endowment such as your strength, time, resources, talent etc, in promoting the kingdom of God on earth. The writer went on to state that these endowment never reduce, rather, they continue to increase. According to her, there is no one on the surface of the earth at least with one divine endowment. And she asked a vital question: what are you doing with what God has endowed you with from heaven?

We saw that in Luke 22:27 and 10:38 that Christ came to serve despite the fact that He was a master, and that he was anointed with the Holy Spirit that He went about doing good. When you plug yourself  into the service of the kingdom of God, you are on your way to greatness, because the pathway to greatness is the path of service. There is  divine endowment upon your life ; God put it there and it is how you use it in it in the promotion of the Kingdom of God that will determine whether you will ever be great or not

There is a world of difference between service and activities. You cannot serve God without being involved in activities, but you can be in activities without actually serving God. There is no reward for activities, but there are rewards for service. The writer went further to state that  every born-again child of God is a joint in the body of Christ. Christ is the head, and Christians all over the world, are members of His body. As a believer, God has called you, and equipped you with enough grace to function effectively as  a member of the Body of Christ. Your salvation is not of any man, but of God. In essence, the individual member of the body of Christ is a joint. As a joint, the degree of your functionality can only be measured by the role you played in the body.

But , as a joint in the body , you fail to function effectively as you ought to, the whole body is affected. Only the fruitful ones are pruned for greater yields. He prunes us and prepares us to bear more fruit. A non-functional member of the body of Christ is a ‘paralyzed member’. When you fail to play you role in the body, you are non- functional and you are a paralyzed member.

According to the writer many are not realizing the benefits of God for their lives because their focus has shifted from God –centered projects to their personal projects only. There is a need to look away from self  for a while and look into God’s vineyard, to begin to intercede  for the lost , and pray for the afflicted. These are services which God reckons with.  Service always distinguishes a man from the crowd , just as it did to the little boy. So serve God with your time, means, energy, and all that is yours.

The writer reveals to us on how to render acceptable service:
-Serving with gladness
-Serving with a perfect heart
She also went further to tell us how to serve continually:
-Live  a life of praise
-A thankful heart
- Have a goal. Know where you are going to and doing.
She also tell us the rewards of service which includes: Blessings, supernatural deliverance, divine intervention, distinction, etc.

In conclusion the writer enjoins us to be involved by giving our time, get involve financially ( tithes, offerings vows, kingdom advancement)

 This book is awesome!


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