This is a great book, I would say it is one of the best Christian literature classics of all times. In this book, T. L. Osborn has painstakingly revealed the foundation upon which Christianity is based. He reveals to us ‘Faith’ in a new way, by simplifying its meaning and steps on how to build your faith. According to him, without faith Christianity would be a mere religion. All else is empty and meaningless if you do not have faith. According to the Bible this thing that we call faith is the most important of all. In your conversion, it means to ‘only BELIEVE’.   

Faith is believing that what God said is true. Faith means you expect God to do what He promised to do. That is why ‘FAITH COMETH by hearing…the word of God’. One must know what God has promised to do before he can expect Him to do it. Once we know God’s promise and expect Him to do it , that is faith.

Faith is accepting God’s promises and being so convinced that they are true that one acts upon them in spite of contradictory evidence. According to the writer, the mystery of the gospel is that Christ died for us and endured all of the penalty of our sins which was charged to our accounts, so that our debt is paid in full and, therefore, does not exist any longer.

Jesus came down to our level and lived as man, but without sin, so He was perfect. Being without sin He was our substitution and suffered the penalty of our sins.  The only way you prove your way in Him is just to trust Him. As long as we try to improve our salvation by good works, offerings , penance or any other thing, we are not believing the Gospel- we are not trusting Christ.

Once you become born again never do anything else to try to be saved. Jesus did enough when He died on the cross for your sins. The writer went on to tell us what to do after giving our life to Christ:
-         Talk to God everyday. That means prayer
-         Let God talk to you. That is Bible reading
-         Talk to someone else about God everyday. That is Christian witnessing
The writer went further to say that in as much as it is very paramount that a believer fellowships in a church. But he however warns that if the church we attend accuses and condemns Christians of other churches, do not absorb their bitterness, keep your heart pure and judge no man. We are to love everyone and be an influence for understanding and good.

According to the writer, to pray with faith does not mean to beg and plead for healing. Remember if you have accepted Christ as your personal savior, then you are a child of God, and He is your Father. You are not a beggar. The Father wants you to come to Him as any child comes to its parents, come with confidence. If you do not first know His promises, and know that they are yours personally, you would waver when you pray; but knowing they are yours, you have perfect confidence that your prayer –asking Him to do what He has promised to do-is heard and honoured by Him.

The only foundation for answered prayer is to realize that the only reason you can expect any blessing from God is that Jesus died to provide that blessing. When you pray, look first to the cross where the price was paid for the blessing you seek. Understand that since Christ died to provide the blessing, it belongs to you and He wants you to have it, claim it , therefore boldly.

According to the writer, the great tragedy in Christendom today is that people do not understand the substitutionary fact of Christ’s death. Those who have genuine faith are those who believe God’s word, they act on His word. Faith means that we believe God has already done what we asked Him to do, even before we see it happen. We believe it is done, not because we see it done, but because God’s word declares it is done.

 The words that we utter also tells whether we have faith. Make God’s word the standard for your life. Train yourself to say what He says. Sooner than you can imagine, your life will rise to the level of His word in your heart and on your lips. When you ask God for a thing even before it manifest praise Him for it. Not only does genuine faith praise God for the answer, but it is always accompanied by corresponding actions.

In conclusion, there are three principal steps of faith to receive anything God has promised, or any blessing God has provided:
-Know what God has promised
-Ask Him to do what He has promised to do
-Act like He has done what He promised to do.

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