In this book, Pastor David was able to reveal to us the various activities of the Holy Spirit. He wrote this book to enlighten, teach and encourage believers as they prepare their hearts in prayer for the greatest move of the Holy Spirit – yet to come. According to the writer for the Holy Spirit to be free to be manifested more, we must maintain a healthy , strong faith based on the word of God. And for this a basic understanding of the doctrine of the Holy Spirit is indispensable.

According to the writer when we have received the fullness of the Holy Spirit, we will almost immediately notice that life’s problems and our personal needs also seem very small- because we are looking at them from a different perspective. We are seeing them as the Holy Spirit does, because he is in control.

The writer went further to say that we are to seek first the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and have an obedient and broken spirit that can be led by him as easily as  sheep are led by a shepherd. He further  said who the Holy Spirit really is. The Holy Spirit is God and has a personality. This is true because the Holy Spirit speaks , he helps us in our weakness, He prays for us, He teaches us, He testifies of the Lord, He guides us, He calls people to the work of God and points them to the office, He comforts believers.

He went further list out some other names of the Holy Spirit which is also, the spirit of God, the Spirit of Christ, the comforter. There are symbols used to represent the personality of the Holy Spirit in the bible such as : water, fire, wind, oil, rain, Dove, wind,seal and guarantee.

The Holy Spirit reproves the world of sin, reprove the world of righteousness, reproves the world of righteousness, reveals salvation’s plan. By the death of Jesus, he paid the total price of our original sin and our self –committed sins. Since Jesus’ resurrection, man does not die eternally for his own sinful acts or for original sin. He is destroyed for not accepting the salvation of Jesus Christ.

In the life of a believer the Holy Spirit brings holiness and helps our infirmities, teaching believers comforting believers, confirming that we are God’s children. The baptism of the Holy Spirit always comes after regeneration. Regeneration is the experience of receiving the life of the Lord by being grafted into the body of Christ through the Holy Spirit and the scriptures. The baptism of the Holy Spirit is the experience in which Jesus fills believers with the power of God for ministry, service and victorious living.

He concluded by giving us in details the gifts of the Holy Spirit:
a.       The gifts of revelation- the gift of the word of wisdom, the gift of the word of knowledge, the gift of discerning of spirits.

b.       The vocal gifts- the gift of tongues, the gift of interpretation of tongues, the gift of prophecy.

c.        The gifts of power- the gift of faith, the gift of healing, the gift of miracle.

In summary, if you really want to experience true success in your calling you must partner with the Holy Spirit and allow Him to lead you as a shepherd leads the sheep.

Have you read this book? What’s your take on it…..



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