This is a great and lovely book. Joyce Meyer has taken her time out to share some of her challenges while on her way to fulfilling her purpose in Christ and how she was able to overcome victoriously. I have learnt a lot from this book. Below are few tips from the book: -According to the writer there are four things that leads to discontent (a) greed (b)fear (c) lack of trust in God (d) Looking for contentment in the wrong places. -When our mind is stayed on the Lord, we are content and peaceful. Trusting God and refusing to complain in hard times greatly honors Him. -Don’t want until everything is perfect before you decide to enjoy your everyday life. -Allow the Holy to encourage you. The way to listen to the Holy spirit is by following your heart. -How we feel about ourselves is a determining factor in our success in life and relationships -We need to pray about everything and worry about nothing. When we worry, it shows that we think w...