'A Fresh Anointing' by Kenneth .E. Hagin


In this  great book by Kenneth Haggin teaches on the anointing of God in the life of a believer. In the old testament the anointing was only for priests and kings. After the anointing with oil, the spirit of God would come upon the man of God to anoint with oil, the spirit of God would come upon the man  of God to anoint him from that day forward to fulfill his office and carry out God’s plan for him on the earth.

In the new testament we have the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The baptism in the Holy Spirit is the believer’s anointing for service. In the old testament the anointing was only for priests and kings while in the new testament all believers have the Holy Spirit, as written in Revelation 1:5-6 that Jesus has made us priests and kings unto God.

According to the writer, in the new testament there is a two fold working of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer. The Holy Spirit lives inside believers and He also comes upon those who stand in the five fold ministry offices in order to equip them for service.

The Holy Spirit in the life of every believer gives us authority to carry out the great commission. As kings we have authority to act and make decrees, as priests we can intercede for unbelievers and make supplications for believers.

According to the writer no matter what God has calls you to do in life, He will equip you and anoint you to do it. God has called all Christians to be intercessors. Intercession is not a special calling. According to the writer you cannot follow the Spirit apart from the Word agrees. As kings we can only reign in life with the help of the Holy Spirit.

According to the writer Believers can maintain the anointing of God on their lives by receiving fresh anointing to equip them to fulfill God’s purpose for them in the earth. To be a full reservoir of the anointing the believer needs to be full of the word of God. We should be full of the Spirit always whether we feel like it or not  by speaking in tongues. There is one initial filling with the Holy Ghost, but many refilling.

Characteristics of those with a fresh anointing :
 -Supernatural utterance (Eph 5:18-21), speaking supernaturally is speaking under the auction of the Holy Ghost
-Singing. Psalms ,hymns and spiritual songs are given by the inspiration of the Holy Ghost at the spur of the moment; they are not learned or rehearsed.
-Giving Thanks. It means that in any situation you find yourself give thanks to God. Praising God puts the devil to flight.
-Submitting to one another. Believers who are filled  over flowing with the Holy Spirit have a submissive spirit or attitude towards others.

According to the writer staying full of the Word and full of the Spirit,  is how we constantly maintain a fresh anointing in our lives. Also we should learn to stay long enough in the presence of the Holy Spirit.We must maintain the glow in adverse circumstances. Endure hardness and work by faith always.    

What is your take on this book? Have you read it? Lets hear from you…..



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