In this wonderful book Joseph Prince tells us how our believe can affect our lives, what we do and even determine whether we receive our breakthrough or not.

According to the him, if you believe wrong you will struggle with wrong thoughts. Those wrong thoughts will produce unhealthy emotions that will lead to toxic feelings of guilt, shame, condemnation and fear. And those wrong feelings will ultimately produce wrong behaviors, actions and painful addictions. In other words, what we believe is critical.

When you feel God's love for you, you will not feel condemned no matter your wrongs. Even if your trouble is due to your own willingness, God is still with you. He has never left you and He never will. He will never forsake you. He is the bath! So don't try to clean yourself  up before you come to Him.

According to the writer we must learn to see what God sees about us. The key to seeing what God sees is to base your beliefs on His sure and unshakeable word. In believing right we must receive God's complete forgiveness. We must understand that God had already forgiven us. Forgiveness is received not achieved.There is Grace  for every failing.

According to the writer the only key to winning the battle for your mind is to learn how to separate yourself from the evil thoughts planted by the enemy. To win the battle of the mind,we must think in line with God's word, we must be full of God's word.

One of the greatest battles people face in the battle for their mind is the wrong believe that God is angry with them.The devil knows that if he can cause you to believe that God is mad at you, he can keep you  trapped in fear, defeat and bondage. But the reality is that God is not mad at you. He is mad about you. We are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. For God did not withhold His Son , there is nothing He cannot freely give to us.When we wake up everyday, we should have an expectation that something good will happen to us. Instead of expecting something bad to happen to us.

The writer also referred us to Jeremiah 29:11. That God's thoughts towards us is for good and not for disaster, to give us a future and a hope.

You cannot believe right unless you are hearing right and reading right.

We should find rest in God's love and be secured that no matter what we do God will never stop loving us. There is no other way to resign in life apart from believing and receiving. When we know that nothing can separate us from the love of God.

In conclusion, God is for us and He is our sure helper. We must guide our heart diligently and be careful what we think and ensure that we are thinking right always.

I love this book.


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