This is another lovely book by Kenneth E. Hagin.

The writer  by referring to Romans 8:14 and 8:16, Proverbs 20:27; states that children of God are suppose to be led by  God, seeking guidance by means other than the way of God, will surely get us into trouble. God has said He will guide us through our spirit.

According to the writer, man is a spirit, he has a soul, and he lives in a physical body (1 thess 5:23). There is an inward man. And there is an outward man. The outward man is not the real you. The outward man is only the house in which you live. The inward man is the real you.The part of man that is born again is his spirit.Man's spirit receives eternal life- the life of God and the nature of God. It is man's spirit that is made a new creature in Christ.

The writer further enjoins us to be spirit conscious. He went further to distinguish between spirit and soul. The spirit and the soul are not the same. The spirit gets born again but the saving of the soul is a process. The soul can be compared to the intellectual and emotions of man. They are not born again. they are to be renewed. According to the writer there are various ways God speaks to us:
-Inner Witness. God's spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God. Many times we ignore the inward witness. We want some thing out in the sense realm. We seek the sensational and miss the supernatural. God leads all His children, primarily, by the inward witness.
-The Inward Voice. The inward man , who is a spirit man has a voice - just a the outward man has a voice. We call this voice the still small voice. Your spirit has a voice. Your spirit will speak to you.
-God leads us by the voice of the spirit of God speaking to us. When the Holy Spirit within you speaks, it is more authoritative and loud as if someone is close by speaking to you.

According to the writer there are effects of the Spirit's indwelling. For instance when you have the life and nature of God inside you, your conscience will not permit you to do just anything. And if you are born again you have the life of God. And that life is not subject to failure...Etc. The Spirit of God inside of us helps us to avert evil calamities only if we listen to our spirit. When we are in a cross road it is better to wait on God until we receive a leading to do what we want to do.

According to the writer we are to depend on our spirit always because our spirit knows things that our head does not know and because the Holy Spirit is in our spirit. We should keep a tender heart. Unless you keep a tender conscience, spiritual things will be indistinct to us.

Also, according to the writer reason is the voice of the soul or the mind.Conscience is the voice of the spirit. Feeling is the voice of the body. We don't feel God's presence. We sense it. Base your faith on the word - not on your feelings

According to the writer, whatever our spirit tells us to do must be judged by the word of God. We are not to seek voices. We should not follow voices. We should follow the word of God. Your spirit will not tell you something wrong because it has the nature of God in it.; it has the life of God in it  and it has the spirit of God in it

We can also perceive the leading of the Spirit through visions and prophesy (but the prophesy must be in line with God's word). In spiritual vision you see with the eyes of your spirit not with your physical eyes. When one falls into a trance, his physical senses are suspended

Another way of  knowing the leading of God is to follow your heart. A person who keeps his spirit shut away and never listens to it becomes crippled in life. The person who listens to his spirit is the man who climbs to the top.

According to the writer we can train our human mind by:
-Meditating on the word of God
-Practicing the word
-Giving the word first place
-Instantly obeying the voice of your spirit

One of the greatest spiritual exercise there is , is to pray in tongues every single day.Wow!  This is a wonderful book.

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