In this wonderful book Joseph Prince tells us how our believe can affect our lives, what we do and even determine whether we receive our breakthrough or not. According to the him, if you believe wrong you will struggle with wrong thoughts. Those wrong thoughts will produce unhealthy emotions that will lead to toxic feelings of guilt, shame, condemnation and fear. And those wrong feelings will ultimately produce wrong behaviors, actions and painful addictions. In other words, what we believe is critical. When you feel God's love for you, you will not feel condemned no matter your wrongs. Even if your trouble is due to your own willingness, God is still with you. He has never left you and He never will. He will never forsake you. He is the bath! So don't try to clean yourself up before you come to Him. According to the writer we must learn to see what God sees about us. The key to seeing what God sees is to base your beliefs on His sure and unshakeable word. In believin...