In this book Rev. Kenneth .E. Haggin teaches on how to function always and win in God’s Plans, Purposes, and Pursuits.
The writer  wrote that he was caught up into the spirit and he  began to see and understand man’s  plans as they related to God’s plans. He saw that many times men had plans  that were good and even thoroughly scriptural. But
they were not God’s plan.

According to the writer ‘The body of Christ has not seen any thing like what we will see when we  get to that place where we have God’s plan and purpose, not only for our own lives but also for the Church – and we are pursuing that plan’.

The writer lets us into his personal life as to the  visitation he had of the Lord. He said the Lord came to him and said, ‘I bless all of my people as far as I can. But the reason there is not the move of God and the depth of the flow of the spirit, and the fullness of the manifestation of the Holy Ghost today  is because men do not take time to hear from me. And they do not take time to follow my plan set forth in the scripture. The more closely you follow my plan, the more my power will be in demonstration and in manifestation’.

Whatever ever you are doing right now for God pause and ask yourself, is this God’s plan? Surely God is faithful he will answer you when you call on Him and He will guide you rightly.
According to the writer, Jesus told him that He can’t put his approval on man’s when they are not His plans.

‘Remember, God knows the future better than we know the past. It pays in every way to wait before Him and get His plan. So many times we make our plans and then ask God’s blessings on our plans. It’s far better to get His plan, because His plan is already blessed. Get God’s plan for your life and God’s plan for your ministry. If you are a pastor, get God’s plan for your church ‘. Said the writer.

We should stop assuming that because is right that it ought to be done then that automatically makes it right. As long as the Lord has not revealed to us His Plan and Purpose for our live, we might just be living a wasted life. And also, just because someone else is doing it and excelling does not mean that we should also do it or that we are going to succeed in it. And even if God has revealed to us his plan and purpose for our live, there is also a time to execute God’s plan.

‘You need only to get down on your knees and find out for yourself what God’s plans are for you, because God will only put his approval on his blessings on His plans. God’s plan works so much better. If you get a hold of God’s plan for your life or for your ministry it will produce results. But if you try to build your house yourself, you will labour  and  labour. You may finally get it all built and it may look good, but it will all be in vain because the Lord was not in any of it’, said the writer.

Working out of God’s plan brings dissatisfaction , but if we fail to correct it, we will have to reap the consequences of our disobedience. When we work in line with God’s word and plan, success comes with ease.

‘One reason many ministers miss God’s plan for their lives is that they try to be a “jack –of –all-trades and a master of none”,  said the writer.

‘When people find their area of anointing and stay with it – not trying to be someone they are not- they become effective in whatever they are doing for God’, said the writer.

‘What happens so many times is that God really does tell Christians to do something, but then they try to go build it or do it themselves. They try to carry out God’s plan in themselves and they do it in their own strength. They think they have to perform it, and some of them labour under that burden until the strain of it literally kills them; they have a heart attack and die young. Then you hear someone say, “See, that proves healing is not for everyone, because that fine fellow worked for the Lord, but he died right in the midst of doing God’s will”. No, in that circumstance, if you do all the laboring to bring God’s plan to pass, when God tells you to do something you need to rest as you go”

Also, in pursuing God’s plan we must go about it with the right attitude and motive.

Finally, it behooves on us all in the body of Christ to spend time waiting on the Lord on our knees until we have found out God’s plan, His purpose and pursuit concerning our lives. Is only by following God’s plan, that hundred percent success is possible.         


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