
The 360 Degree Leader: Developing Your Influence from Anywhere in the Organization

This is a splendid book that helps in developing your influence from anywhere in the organization.

According to the writer, you do not have to be held hostage to your circumstances or position. You do not have to be the CEO to lead effectively. And you can learn to make an impact through your leadership even if you report to someone who is not a good leader. The secret is that you learn to develop your influence wherever you are in the organization by becoming a 360 degree leader. You learn to lead up, lead across and lead down.

Not everyone understands what it means to influence others in every direction. Those you work for, the people who are in the same level with you, those who walk for you. Some people are good at leading the members of their own team but they seem to alienate the leaders in other department of the organisation. Other individuals excel at building a great relationship with their boss, but they have no influence with anyone below them in the organisation. A few people will get along with just about anybody, but they never seem to get any work done. On the other hand some people are productive, but they can’t get along with anybody. But 360 degree leaders are different. Only 360 degree leaders influence people at every level of the organisation, by helping others, they help themselves.

According to the writer there are five levels of leadership:
-position (rights), at this stage people follow because they have to. Your influene will not extend beyond the lines of your job description. The longer you stay here, the higher the turnover and the lower the morale.
-Permission (relationships), at this stage people follow because they want to. People will follow you beyond your stated authority. This level allows work to be fun. Staying too long on this level without rising will cause highly motivated people to become restless.

-Production(results), at this level people follow because of what you have done for the organisation. This is where success is sensed by most people. They like you and what you are doing. Problems are fixed with very little momentum.
People development (development), people follow because of what you have done for them. This is where long-range growth occurs. Your commitment to developing  leaders will ensure on going growth to the organisation and to people. Do whatever you can to achieve and stay on this level.

-personhood (respect), people follow because of who you are and what you represent. This level, according to the writer is reserved for leaders who have spent years growing people and organisations. Few make it, those who do are bigger than life.
According to the writer when potential leaders understand the dynamics of gaining influence with people using the five levels of leadership, they come to realize that position has little to do with genuine leadership. Influencing others is a matter of disposition, not position.
Leadership is a choice you make, not a place you sit. Anyone can choose to become a leader where ever he is. You make a difference wherever you are. Becomin a leader is a lifelong learning process. If you want to be a successful leader learn to lead before you have a leadership position.
The writer went further to list out some myths about leadership:

-the position myth (I can’t lead if I am not at the top)

-the destination myth (when I get to the top, then I’ll learn to lead)

-the influence myth (if I were on top, then people would follow me)
A position doesn’t make a leader, but a leader can make the position. A position gives you a chance. It gives you the opportunity to try out your leadership. It asks people to give you the benefit of the doubt for a while. But given some time, you will earn your level of influence.

-the inexperience myth( when I get to the top, I’ll be in control.

-the freedom myth (when I get to the top, I will no longer be limited

-the potential myth (I can’t reach my potential if I am not the leader)
The all or nothing myth (if I can’t get to the top then I won’t try to lead)
There are challenges that 360 degree leaders face:

-the tension challenges, the pressure of being caught in the middle. The key to successfully navigating the tension challenge is to learn to lead despite the restriction others have placed on you.

-the frustration challenge, following an effectual leader. The way out of this challenge is to know that your isn’t to fix the leader, it is to add value. If the leader won’t change, then change your attitude or your work address.

-the multi-hat challenge, one head many hats. The secret is knowing what hat to put on and then enjoying the challenge.

-the ego challenge, you are often hiden in the middle. Remember the consistently good leadership does get noticed.

-fulfillment challenge, leaders like the front more than the middle. Know that leadership is more disposition –influence others from whereever you are.

-the vision challenge, championing the vision is more dificult when you didn’t create it—the more you invest in the vision, the more it become your own.

-the influence challenge, leading others beyond your position is not easy. Think influence , not position.

The writer went further by giving us some principles 360 degree practice to lead up
Lead yourself exceptionally well. Successful people make right decisions early and manage this decisions daily. Successful people do the things that unsuccessful people are unwilling to do.

What a leader must self manage:
-manage emotions
-manage your time
-manage your priority
-manage your energy
-manage your thinking
-manage your personal life
The better you are at making sure you are doing what you should be doing, the better chance you have for making at impact on others.
-lighten your leader’s load
-be willing to do what others won’t
-do more than manage –lead
-invest in relational chemistry (people won’t go along with you if they can’t get along with you.
-be prepared every time you take your leader’s time.
-be better tomorrow than you are today

Competence is a key to credibility and credibility is the key to influencing others. If people respect you, they will listen to you. President Abraham Lincoln said, ‘I don’t think much of a man who is not wiser today than he was yesterday.
In conclusion I leave you with what the writer said, if you want to influence the people who are ahead of you in the organisation – and keep influencing them – then you need to keep getting better. An investment in your growth is an investment in your ability, your adaptability and promotability. No matter how much it costs you to keep growing and learning , the cost of doing nothing is greater.

This book will practically take you to your next level. Read it!  


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