Jesus said that there are mysteries of the kingdom and these mysteries are for the children of the kingdom to seek out. Anyone who accepts Jesus as Savior and Lord is given power to become the son of God. A good ‘son’ would take time o study and know the family he has been born into. Inc Mathew 13: 11 where Jesus said that it is given unto us to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given.

The understanding of the mysteries of the kingdom is very is very important for a child of God who wishes to keep on standing until the coming of Christ because only the violent prospers in the kingdom. The following are some of the mysteries include: creation, marriage, The fall of man, the relationship between man and woman etc.,
Compared to God, the devil and his cohorts do not possess great power. But compared to men(in flesh), the devil is very powerful indeed. Without the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives, we will not be better than a well- dressed soldier without any weapon against the onslaught of the power of darkness. According to the writer we are to thank God for the Lord Jesus Christ who is seated at the right hand of the Father and who ever lives to make intercession for us. We are also to thank God, for the precious gifts of the Holy Spirit and prayer. The Lord has graciously given these to us. But none of these gifts will do us any good if we are not able to understand the scheming of the powers of darkness.

The devil is very much involved in human affairs at all levels. He is involved in causing physical wars, making man to commit fornication, adultery, murder and other sins in order to destroy God’s plan for man. How he is able to do this in spite of the enormous spiritual power available to man in Christ is a mystery.
To be ignorant is not an excuse in spiritual battle. God has made provision for abundance of life for you, your poverty is only an effect. The cause of your

condition should be discovered. This is your duty to do, not God’s. it was at the place of prayer that God revealed the power behind the force that stopped the building of the Temple to Zechariah the prophet. Joshua, the high priest was clothed with filthy rags to prevent him from entering into the presence of God, thereby blocking his prayers effectively. Whosoever is desirous of the glory of the Kingdom must be ready to break through valleys, mountains and hills. God has a master plan for every man that he has made and sent to the world. The writer asked this vital question: with a detailed master plan by God why is it that man toils always and many times become fruitless in his endeavors. The power that hindered Adam is still very much active today. For we are fighting not against people made of flesh and blood, but against the evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against those mighty powers of darkness who rule this world, and against wicked spirits in heavenly realms. Stop battling blindly with life. It is your duty to study the manual of the manufacturer of life, which is the Bible. There you will find what you need to achieve success in life. 

Wisdom is the principal thing. We must understand that without the Holy Spirit we can do nothing. It is not how hard we can pray or how long we can fast , but our total reliance on the Holy Spirit for the work of ministry. This absolute reliance is what we refer to as faith.

Every man is like a book, with each passing day, month and year representing the pages and chapters of his life. Every human being is a book of destiny being authored by God. However, the devil often smuggles some pages and probably, chapters from the books of destiny of some people.

We read of some books of destiny in the Scripture, such as Adam , Eve, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Esau, Job, the woman with the issue of blood and the mad man of Gadarene, to mention a few. The devil came at various stages of these lives to alter their written destinies. However the writer lets us to know that there are strange authors:
Parents- strangely , through ignorance some parents write, with their tongues, evil verses in their children’s book of life. Jabez’s mother opened a chapter of sorrow in his life.

Ancestral spirits-these sprits plant trees that produce fruits irrespective of the season. These trees are well secured and nurtured by thelandlord spirit that ensures the fruits are distributed from generation to generation. Examples of fruits of this ancient trees are, limitation, retrogression, set back, debts, evil carry-overs, barrenness, failure, insufficiencies, closed doors hard labour, etc.
Self-authored: some satanic verses are self authored. With his own mouth, Jacob put himself in the bondage of slavery for 20 years.
Spouses- It is very common for women to curse their husbands during labour, especially when they are under intense pains. It is an evil tree that such women are inadvertently planting.

While you have to make conscious effort to bring your destiny to fulfillment, satanic verses do not need any effort from you for them to fulfil. In fact, your passivity is like a catalyst. One of the main duties of the landlord spirit or familiar spirit is the enforcement of the negative chapters in the book of life. The worst of this is that the landlord spirit ensures you do not open to any chapter,  except the one
According to the writer when we give our life to Christ there benefits which include:
-coming of the kingdom is the beginning of the destruction of satan’s rule on the earth.
-Deliverance of mankind from demonic power, influence and sin is another benefit of the kingdom
-there is also power to work miracles and heal that everyone who is truly in the kingdom is supposed to enjoy etc.
Only the violent take it by force and prosper.
The writer also enlighten us into some places of operation of the enemy:
High places- are a spiritual powerhouse, the ancient gate, and the devil control room.

The landlord spirit-these are errand spirit that enforces ancient covenants, curses, territorial authority and control. The landlord spirit is often referred to as the spirit of dedication.
Spiritual gates- these gates are often erected at night. And as physical gates are made of different materials, so also spiritual gates are made of different materials. However you know spiritual gates by their manifestation. Curses, covenants and dedication, pictures, images (like an effigy) or animal.
Gateman-as a gateman is employed to man the physical gate, so also the devil deploys his demons to man spiritual gates; these are the demon spirits referred to as landlord spirits.

According to the writer the zero hour is 12 mid night it is the time of spiritual exchanges: the hour of strength, the hour of battle, the hour of war, the hour destinies are changed, the hour of conflict, the hour that determines what happens at dawn, the hour of demonstration of power, the time of the cross over, the time of utmost alertness. According to the writer unfortunately this is the hour that men decides to sleep. The mid night is an ordinance, which cannot be broken . it is the doorway to the coming day, week, month and year. The night shuts the door against another day and opens the door into another.

Works of the night: evil deposits, cutting the edge of mans destiny, removing man from his place of destiny, conspiracy, wars and conflicts, peace of man is taken away from man at night, etc.
Finally the writer concluded by telling us how to deal with the powers of the night:
-personify your problems
-determine the end from the beginning
-confront the powers of the night
-make use of your authority in Christ Jesus
This book is awesome


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