In this beautiful book Kenneth .E. Hagin made us to know that growing up is a process. He took us through the processes involved and the stages to enable us to discern  where we are spiritually.

The Babyhood stage (as referred in 1 peter 2:2). According to the writer no one is born a full grown christian. You are born a spiritual babe, and then you grow up. If the babes in Christ get the sincere milk of the word, they will grow thereby.

Characteristics of Babes:Innocence, irritability, ignorance. According to the writer babes are easily frustrated, easily distracted and easily hurt.

Childhood Stage (spiritual children). The characteristics of the childhood stage of spiritual development are similar to the physical: Unsteadiness, curiosity, Talkativeness.

Manhood Stage. There are three major characteristics of the manhood stage of spirituality: Esteeming earthly things lightly, Deadness to censure or praise, Ability to recognize God at work.

The writer went further to state that Christians ought to see God as their father and can only get acquainted to him through His word. God his everything that the world says that He is. He may be a Judge to the world,  God to the sinner but He is father to us.

To fellowship with God, to work with God, to walk in God's realm, we must walk in love. Divine love. For God is love.The God-kind of Love is not interested in what I can get  - but in what I can give. As children of God the nature of God is in us. And God's nature is Love. So it is natural for us spiritually, to love. The Writer also stated in his book that the only way to receive God's knowledge is by feeding on God's word.

The writer also identified three categories of men:
Natural man- is the unspiritual physical man. His wisdom is earthly, earthly means natural as in James 3:14-15. The natural man is motivated by demons and he is ruled by Satan.

Carnal man- is the babe in Christ. Carnal man is a christian who is governed by his physical senses. Though he is born- again and a new creature, he walks after the order of natural men.

The Spiritual Men- is one who knows what belongs to him in Christ Jesus, and takes advantage of it.
This is a priceless book!



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