BOOK REVIEW
This book is a masterpiece. 'The Man God Uses' by Oswald.J. Smith is a must read by every believer that wants to take their relationship with God to the next level. Oswald .J. Smith in his book listed out some qualifications that must be met for the work of evangelism and revival:

-A vision of the utter bankruptcy of the human race
-Realisatioin of the adequacy of God's salvation
-A life given over to one great purpose
-A life from which every hindrance has been removed
-A life placed absolutely at God's disposal
-A ministry of prevailing prayer
-A ministry saturated with the word of God
-A ministry with a vital message for a lost world
-A ministry in the anointing of the Holy Spirit
-A ministry characterized by the expectancy of faith
-A ministry wholly devoted to the Glory of God

The writer also talked about living a separated life . According to him, the separated life means  separated from :
-worldly pleasures
-worldly alliances
-worldly companions

The writer also talked about our love for Jesus Christ which is very paramount in our discipleship service and conduct.According to the writer, sanctification is a life of victory and there are three steps to achieving this kind of life: separation, dedication and filling by the Holy Spirit.

He also talked about the Lordship of Jesus over our life by putting God first in all our endeavors. According to the writer, soul-winning is the most important work of the church. Most important also, the listed out what he called seven questions of vital importance that every christian must answer.
-Am I committing any known sin?
-Am I living in obedience to God's will?
-Am I spending time each day in prayer?
-Am I confessing Christ publicly?
-Am I giving liberally as God prospers me?
-Am I doing something definite for the Lord Jesus Christ?

The writer also referred to the fourfold need of the church which are :Food, Fellowship, Exercise and Atmosphere.According to the writer the believer must read the bible daily, as it is able to keep the believer from sin. He also suggested how it should be read and how a christian can maintain a good prayer life.
The writer also made mentioned of how to live for God and how to live that victorious life always. he also took us through what happens when a christian sins and the two classes of sins. According to the writer the highest form of christian service is intercessory prayer and enjoins all believers to get involved as Jesus his the chief intercessor.  

This book is a total package both for the new convert , the babe in christ and the spiritually matured christian.



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