Morack Akin-David is a biographer, an inspirational writer and a speaker. His descriptive work  have inspired audience in conferences and seminars. As a poet, his works have graced the pages of “The Guardian”, the flagship of the Nigerian press. He is the author  of  “Triumphing in Leadership despite Oppositions.” He is the principal, Mobile Leadership Academy, a platform for personal development and youth leadership empowerment. He is also the CEO of Bookaddict Publications. He is a lecturer at the Word of Faith Bible Institute, Lagos, and a pastor at the Living Faith Church (Winners’ Chapel International), Faith Tabernacle, Canaan Land, Ota, Nigeria. Morack Akin-David lives happily in Lagos, Nigeria with his wife, Folakemi, and sons Ireyemi and Obayemisi.

In this book  the writer focuses on the Leadership qualities of Bishop David Oyedepo. He listed out 15 some qualities a leader must have in order to be great like  Bishop David Oyedepo. 

1.     1. SPIRITUALITY: According to the writer a leader must stand the test of time must be spiritually minded. While looking at the leader’s spirituality the writer listed out some qualities that a leader must exhibit:
i.                   Access to the supernatural. Spirituality is having an on going progressive personal relationship with God. The depth of a man’s spirituality determines the extent of his access to the supernatural and the extent of his access to the supernatural largely determines the degree of his supremacy In the spirit realm.
ii.                 Spiritual sensitivity. The degree of your sensitivity is a function of your level of spirituality.
iii.              Access to divine direction. According to the writer vision is good but direction is what takes you there.
iv.              Access to revelation. Revelation is a spiritual connection to the mind of God with regard to His agenda towards humanity in a particular dispensation.
v.                 Grace of patience. Patience is not only how long you wait but what you do, your composure and comportment while you wait.
vi.              Heart of gratitude. Gratitude is an expression of appreciation to a benefactor- this also involves praise

2. VISION: According to the writer vision is the ability to think or plan about the future with imagination and wisdom. According to Bishop David Oyedepo, ‘vision is the unfolding of God’s plan or purpose for your life’. According to Bill Newman, ‘Vision is the key to understanding leadership. Without vision you are just playing  games with your life. Men and women with vision see more and further than others’.

How To Catch Vision
i.                   Maintain a close uninterrupted relationship with your creator, the sole custodian of vision by reading anointed and inspirational books.
ii.                 Through prayer and fasting with earnest expectation to receive the answer to your greatest quest.
iii.              Through quietness and solitude, the voice of the spirit can be accessed.

3. WISDOM: According to Bishop David Oyedepo, ‘wisdom is doing things God’s way’.

4. COURAGE: According to Bishop David Oyedepo, ‘just one obstacle is enough to truncate a global vision but courage is what you need to deal a deadly blow on it’.
According to the writer, ‘courage is the ability to do something dangerous or to face pain or opposition without showing’.

5. DIPLOMACY: According to the writer a diplomatic person is an individual who makes conscientious effort in order to make beneficial or mutual relationship with others.

6. HUMILITY: Humility is a vital spiritual virtue required by any leader to truly succeed.

7. MENTORING: A mentor is the one who provides modeling, close supervision … and help in many areas such as discipline, encouragement, correction, confrontation and a calling to accountability.

8. INTEGRITY: Integrity of men is to be measured by their conduct , not by their profession . As D.L. Moody advised, ‘take care of your character, and your reputation will take care of itself’. According to Winston Churchill, ‘… you can tell the character of a man by the choices he made under pressure’. Integrity is not a gift, is a choice. Integrity simply means uprightness.

9. DILIGENCE: According to Bishop David Oyedepo, ‘Desire without diligence is disaster. There is no future for an idle man, only workers prosper. One of the germs of poverty is idleness …spirituality is never a substitute for hard work’.

I0.FOCUS: According to Bishop Oyedepyo, ‘you can tell where a man is heading by what he does with his time and money. Being busy here and there is one of the undoing of many destinies. It makes a man lose his place in destiny’.

11. SERVICE: Service to humanity in the light of God’s precepts is service unto God. According to Bishop, ‘There is no entitlement in titles, only in service. Be service motivated; that is where your entitlement lies…masters are not paid but the servants…only labourers  are entitled to wages’.

I2. SWIFT ACTION: Prompt obedience to divine directives puts a man on the line for honour  and dignity.

I3. SELF DISCIPLINE: Self discipline is the ability to motivate self. It is the ability to do what is necessary or sensible without needing to be urged by somebody else.

I4. ORDER: It is the arrangement or disposition of people or things in relation to each other according to a particular  sequence, pattern or method. According to Bishop David Oyedepo, ‘the reason for failure in life, more often than not, is not because of lack of ability or capacity. It is largely due to lack of order.

I5. CHOICE OF SPOUSE:  According to the writer, ministry or career success is a function of marital stability. Therefore caution is of the essence when making marital decision because leadership begins from the home front.

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